First Amatuer Muay Thai Fight

I am having my first Amatuer Muay Thai fight at Texas Thai Boxing Championships in November. I’ve been waiting for this for a long as time. This is something I thought was out of reach because of setbacks(car wreck) and basically thinking I’ve past my prime.

I’ve been training my ass off…losing tons of weight and improving skills back and gaining new ones. Basically…to me this is an accomplishment in itself and a win in November would be the icing on the cake for me. I’ve overcome a lot in a short span. I will keep you guys updated with my progress and also any input from you guys will be greatly appreciated. Shout out to Full Circle MMA/Killeen!

Good luck and kick some ass!

Good work on the hard training just make sure you back it off a bit the week before the fight. Let us know how you do. Btw I thought I was over the hill for somethings but I’ve found out I wasn’t. Just something to keep in mind.

Good luck and keep the nose to the grindstone.

First: Nice Mr.Sinister avatar

Secondly: Good luck, stay healthy, and kick ass!!

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Good luck and kick some ass![/quote]

Appreciate it, Zap

[quote]Hagar wrote:
Good work on the hard training just make sure you back it off a bit the week before the fight. Let us know how you do. Btw I thought I was over the hill for somethings but I’ve found out I wasn’t. Just something to keep in mind.[/quote]

Appreciate that,Hagar. I have a good group of guys around me and a good coach…He’s very keen on when to back off the training and when to amp it up. Right now they’re pushing me a little with more sparring sessions and working on angles and transitions from defense to offense…and vice versa. I’ve been working with one of our guys for his fight on August 18.

Had my first class of the week today…(Monday and Tuesday did weights and running).

Warm-up,light stretching,
10min. jump rope

Heavy Bag-3min.round, x 4

Focus mitts w/partner-3min.round,30sec.restx4

Focus mitts w/shin guards…working defense(leg checking,parrying,etc.)-3min.round, x 4

Thai pad drills-4min.round, x 4

Shadow box/cooldown-2min.round x 3

Felt pretty good today…technique was on point considering how fucking hot and humid it was today (no air conditioning…gotta love it). Tommorrow morning running Intervals for 25min…Fight Night@8pm-10pm.

Awesome. I think Muay Thai is the most pure excitement to be found in combat sports. I would love to move somewhere with a decent school someday, the closest thing around here is Dewey Cooper’s gym in d-town but that’s an hour drive for me.

Good luck! Is it headgear and shin pads?

[quote]Donut62 wrote:
Awesome. I think Muay Thai is the most pure excitement to be found in combat sports. I would love to move somewhere with a decent school someday, the closest thing around here is Dewey Cooper’s gym in d-town but that’s an hour drive for me.

Good luck! Is it headgear and shin pads?[/quote]

Yeah, I’ve always felt the same…loved it before MMA came about. I was in the same seat as far as finding a good school…luckily, the one I train at opened in March by a couple of experienced guys that broke rank from the big name MMA school in Central TX. As for my fight its 12oz. gloves, cup, mouthpiece, and balls!

Had sparring session from 8pm to 9:30pm. I had pretty good session…giving all the guys fits with trying to deal with my jab. Most of the guys use their jab strictly for setting up…but I’m using mine to hit you…which makes the setting up a tad bit easier. Low and mid kicks were on point…as well as a few teep kicks that created a lotta distance if you know what I mean. Worked on my defense with one of the more experienced guys. Pretty productive day. Tommorrow morning more intervals and weights(hip dominant) in the evening.

Good luck to you Big Boss ! Fightin’s about the most fun you could have with another bloke . Haha . Seriously , though , best wishes , keep us all posted .

How’s it going? And checking your profile, Jesus, 275lbs are you Jerome Lebanner?

Bump, I was wondering too.

Muay Thai is the best MA in my opinion and is great to be a part of.

Make sure to post a few pics. I’ll do the same when I head over to Thailand to train and hopefully fight.

All the best.

[quote]Donut62 wrote:
How’s it going? And checking your profile, Jesus, 275lbs are you Jerome Lebanner?[/quote]

LOL…someone called me Bob Sapp the other day…hhmmm…I told him “I could never be the level of “entertainer” his greatness is”…haha…then I ridge-handed him in the nuts…lol. I know…my humor needs work.

Anyways…everything’s going good so far…had a minor setback with bad sinus/ear infection for past couple weeks…I thought it was a concussion…lol.

Anyways, just busting my ass with sparring sessions. Conditioning is so-so and strength is good…I swear I feel like I have to eat every 30 minutes. I don’t know if thats a good thing yet…especially with my fat boy tendencies. I’m getting close to weight range I would like to be (260-275lbs)…but anything is better than the 350lbs I was not too long ago.

[quote]De sleeplijn wrote:
Muay Thai is the best MA in my opinion and is great to be a part of.

Make sure to post a few pics. I’ll do the same when I head over to Thailand to train and hopefully fight.

All the best.[/quote]

My wife has been getting her photography hobby going…so maybe I’ll have some training pics soon…and good luck with your goals,also.

Looks like my fight is off. And besides that,I haven’t trained in almost a month because our Muay Thai coach and Grappling coach had falling out with owner and left to start there own school. Their school just opened up couple weeks ago…I followed them.

Anyways,it sucks that my fight is off…oh well…guess I have get in on some grapplin’ tournaments…and amateur MMA. I had myself on a progression to MMA fights,but what the hell. Its all good. Just have to continue to train my ass off and maybe use some of my Judo background to smash some mofo’s on the mat for now.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Looks like my fight is off. And besides that,I haven’t trained in almost a month because our Muay Thai coach and Grappling coach had falling out with owner and left to start there own school. Their school just opened up couple weeks ago…I followed them.

Anyways,it sucks that my fight is off…oh well…guess I have get in on some grapplin’ tournaments…and amateur MMA. I had myself on a progression to MMA fights,but what the hell. Its all good. Just have to continue to train my ass off and maybe use some of my Judo background to smash some mofo’s on the mat for now.[/quote]

That sucks for you. It is amazing how many fights get called off. I’ve had a couple of guys lined up for Muay Thai bouts and the cunts pulled the pin. Sounds as though the fight being off is a good thing for you seeing your training has died off.

I’d never go into a fight under trained. The dangers are just too high.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Looks like my fight is off. And besides that,I haven’t trained in almost a month because our Muay Thai coach and Grappling coach had falling out with owner and left to start there own school. Their school just opened up couple weeks ago…I followed them.

Anyways,it sucks that my fight is off…oh well…guess I have get in on some grapplin’ tournaments…and amateur MMA. I had myself on a progression to MMA fights,but what the hell. Its all good. Just have to continue to train my ass off and maybe use some of my Judo background to smash some mofo’s on the mat for now.[/quote]

That sucks. But in the amateur circuit that sounds pretty typical. It took me 8 months and 3 opponents before someone actually fought me. At our last show, 2 of the fighters from different gyms just didn’t show up. It really sucks. Best of luck getting another fight.

On eof mymate was in thailand and in some bar in phi phi you get free booze if you fight so he organized to fix it with and israeli, that he would not hit him but the guy came in guns a blazing so my friend just kicked the shit outta him
One thing i noticed about westerners is that they have no finesse and just seem to back the thai guys into the corner and box the head off them, which i reallly dont think is fair considering size and the fact they dont even kick