been stalking on here for a while, and decided to ditch my old body part spilt for something a bit more effective, since my growth has kind of stalled. anyway thought id start a log on here to keep myself focused and accountable, so here goes. oh and some stats for all you number crunchers out there. also im a type 1 Diabetic, have been for around 18 months, so there’s the added challenge of staying healthy and fairly lean so i stay insulin sensitive, aswell as making sure i maintain good blood sugars. THEN DER LOWS BE BADDDDDDD
age 20
height 5’9
weight 166
training PR’s (one I’m working my percentages off of)
bench 100kg
squat 140kg
deadlift 150kg
OHP 65kg
already 2 days into my first week, so here’s the workouts so far. I know its a bit ambitious but decided to try the BBB 3 month challenge aswell, since I like a challenge. my layout for the week is Mon - OHP, Tues - Deadlift, Thur - bench and Fri - squat.
bench - 60kg
pull ups - bw
skullcrushers - 35kg
this is more volume then I’m used too, didn’t struggle to much, but definitely ached the next day, and 60 second rest periods are a killer!
need to invest in some chalk dust, the bar in my garage gets far too slippery when its damp and I’m sweating
Squats - 75kg
calf raises - 60kg
sit ups - bw+10kg
happy I hit all the reps on the assistance stuff, though my calves felt like they were gona explode! holding that peak contraction and focusing on MMC will hopefully transform my toothpicks. squats were a breeze, more like conditioning, but this first cycle is supposed to be fairly easy so hey ho, have to see how it goes
bench press
85kgx12 new rep PR!
OHP - 32.5kg
the burn in my shoulders was unreal, have not done high volume shoulder work before
barbell rows - 70kg
barbell curls -35kg
bit gutted I didn’t hit all the reps today, however loving the pump I’m getting, no longer in that number chasing mentality and actually using the targeted muscle groups
pretty good session, hit all the reps, though deadlifts required some laser like focus to get through. happy with the first week under my belt. also decided to take some measurements so I can see how much I grow over the next 12 weeks.
Session felt good today, breezed through it all, only really strained a bit on deadlifts. Feel a lot more conditioned to this higher volume, and noticed actual ab lines now, despite I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been
bench press
90kgx10 - another rep PR
OHP - 32.5kg
barbell rows - 70kg
Barbell curls -35kg
smashed it today, felt really good, this is by far my favourite day of the training week. All my favourite exercises (not including squats, no chicken legs for me brahh) and a unreal pump due to some free sample of pre workout I got in the post. Weight is still hovering around 166, aiming for at least 170 by Christmas (forever slow bulk!!!)
yep, though i did plenty of reading and researching before i started, and following the percentages pretty strictly. Maybe being a bit ambitious doing BBB aswell, but seems managable
[quote]GarageGymK wrote:
yep, though i did plenty of reading and researching before i started, and following the percentages pretty strictly. Maybe being a bit ambitious doing BBB aswell, but seems managable[/quote]
I felt like the 5x10 OHP and deadlift were hard af
[quote]GarageGymK wrote:
yep, though i did plenty of reading and researching before i started, and following the percentages pretty strictly. Maybe being a bit ambitious doing BBB aswell, but seems managable[/quote]
I felt like the 5x10 OHP and deadlift were hard af [/quote]
oh hell yes! lucky i like OHP, deadlifts… not so much, see if im saying that during month 3 though haha!
I used to love deads… Back when I did singles and triples. 5 sets of 10 reps of deadlifting is quite tough, but man does I like the way it works the whole back. In. Btw, should try good mornings in the 5*10 scheme (not sure of the right word to use here) right after deads, I feel it’s a great finisher.
jeez man that sounds killer!! was thinking about switching one of the calf raises for something else. so far for ideas i got:
good mornings ( thanks to plasterer)
rear delt flys
today was intense, not only did i hit a 1 plate a little bit extra OHP, my training partner was with me today and we were pressed for time so we working between each others sets with minimum rest. god that pushed us, felt good though. feel like im getting real aggressive with my sets now aswell, can really turn it on when i need to. anyway, back to the numbers
today was intense, not only did i hit a 1 plate a little bit extra OHP, my training partner was with me today and we were pressed for time so we working between each others sets with minimum rest. god that pushed us, felt good though. feel like im getting real aggressive with my sets now aswell, can really turn it on when i need to. anyway, back to the numbers
had the shittest last few days, so many personal problems coming to a head, so i really needed to get it all out of my system, and since the first cycle isnt really difficult, went to cycle 2 on the assistance work for this workout. not that much a biggy as ill be starting cycle 2 next week as i dont feel i need the deload just yet. stuck to the prescribed 5/3/1 though.
bench press
overhead press 40kg
barbell rows 80kg
barbell curls 40kg
not gona lie, this was hard, so much more so then what ive been used to the last few weeks. needed this though, always find a hard training session makes me just feel so much more better, and is a good way to channel negativity into something positive. Squats tomorrow yay!!