For at least the first cycle I will only be doing the prescribed reps on bench just to take it easy on my pec. I strained it about 2 months ago so I am working back into it slowly.
Shoulder Press 115x5 135x5 155x14
DB Bench 80’s, 70’s, 60’sx10 still going lighter for the peck
1 Arm DB Shoulder Press 50’sx10 60’sx10 65’sx8
Tricep Pushdowns 4x15
DB Extensions
Squat 265x3 300x3 340x10
SSB Good Mornings 95x10 115x10x5
Bent Over Rows 185x10x2 195x10
Bicep Work
Notes: Wrist were killing me after the 340x10 set. Holding that low bar position for a long time can become straining and it is hard to keep back tightness throughout, but I am working on it.
Bench 240x5 270x3 305x6
Bench 225x10 185x5x10
Std DB Shldr Press 55’sx10 65’sx10 70’sx10
Rope Pushdowns 4x15
Lying DB Tricep Ext. 4x10 SS with Band Pull aparts 4x25
Notes: Pec is feeling a lot better, if all goes well here on out I expect big jumps in my bench.
Question: If anyone is reading my log lol, should I skip the first deload week of 5/3/1? I ask this only because I am running a 6 week H drol cycle. Currently on 2nd week at 75mg and next week WOULD be my deload (3rd week of the cycle). If I were to skip this deload cycle then my next deload would time up on my last (6th) week of my h drol cycle.
Squat 285x5 320x3 360x10
SSB Squats 135, 185, 225x10
Bent Over Rows 135, 185, 195, 200x10
Some pull ups and DB shrugs
Bicep Work
Notes: This week I am switching my SSB good morning and squat days. The past two weeks when doing good mornings with squats my hamstrings were still really sore/tight come deadlift day, so we’ll see if this makes a difference.
Shoulder Press 135x5 155x3 170x11
DB Bench 60’sx10 80’sx10 100’sx13
1 Arm DB Shoulder Press 50’sx10 60’sx10 65’sx10
Rope Pushdowns 4x15
DB Extensions - Run the Rack
Deadlift 325x5 365x3 410x8
Leg Curls 3x10
Std. SSB Good Mornings 3x10
DB Rows 80’s, 100’s, 120’s, 130’sx10
Notes: Was an OK deadlift day for how I felt going in. Feels like I am getting a little sick, on my last set of deadlifts I could feel the stress in my neck glands and they are a bit sensitive to the touch. Time to load up on water, vit c and d. Will also be looking to get at least 10 hours of sleep tonight.
Notes: Bench felt awesome today despite being a little congested. I also decided to make the call and skip the first deload week while on H-drol. My next deload week will time up on my 6th and final week of H-drol. Which I’ll only have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to lift anyways because of Marine training for 4 days following, so it times up pretty good in the end.
Notes: I think I experienced my first ‘back pumps’ from H-drol today and it happened to be right when I squat. Luckily it went away for the most part on my last set and my last set kicked my ass, drained all my energy. My lower back was on fire after that so I switched up my assistance exercises to compensate.
Notes: Today was just one of those days, guess you can call it “not doing jack shit” type of day. My lower back felt tight and so I just did recommended reps.