Been away from this site for a long time, and have never done a training log, but thinking of changing both of those things now. I feel I am at an age now where I am literally fighting against my age and my genetics, not to mention the perpetual aches and pains. Just been feeling a bit lethargic and in need of a re-boot. Last few months especially I have felt my strength and stamina on the decline, so I am trying to figure it all out. About a month ago I decided to re-start a 5/3/1 cycle, and to be honest I was thinking of only doing it for the first three weeks just to get some things reset and get used to a new rep scheme. Well, I have been happy enough with it that I may just continue it for a while. I have good experience with it in the past, even if it ends up being pretty grueling. Anyway, for now I will probably continue, but may shift course at any time. I tend to be a more…intuitive lifter (and with okay results), so I may not stick to it very long.
Quick specs: Am 46 years-old. About 5’8", currently around 77 kilo / 170 pounds. I rarely stray far from that weight, except when making a concerted effort to. I am pretty lucky in that I am naturally fairly strong and athletic, so certain things come easier for me.
I am doing a BBB variation of the 5/3/1. Not Wendler’s most strict version of it, in part because I am both trying to increase work and reps of some of the basic movements, and also because I am trying to do some minor rehab on my elbow joints, which I have been seriously overworking for the last couple of years.
Next post I will log my last 4 sessions, just for benchmark purposes.
So as you can see, this is extremely straight-forward. Squats and Bench go together. Deads and Shoulder Presses go together. The first exercise is the main 5/3/1 target for the day, the secondary one is just the “cardio”.
My specific approach for 5/3/1 is that I make the 6th set a “balls-out” set. So even if the program only requires me to do one rep, I do as many as possible. I then do the same on set 11.
I do mix in some pulling days, which I will log going forward.
Decided to skip the deload week (I almost always skip the deload week, am I the only one?), feel like I have lots in the tank. Have reset my max weights upwards and will restart today from Week 1. OHP, Dead and Bench maxes go up by 5kg. Squat up by 10kg, so that will be a challenge when Week 3 comes back around.
So today is Shoulder day (OHP). 60kg is the target for the 6th and heaviest set, need to get at least 10 reps, but hopefully more like 12.
So I did manage 12 reps at 60, which is fine. Threw in a few muscle ups for fun. Supposed to be going in today for a squat day, but I think I might just do a bit of pulling instead.
Ended up doing Squat Day anyway. Tossed in some easy pulling just for grins.
Barbell Squat
50 kg x 5 reps
60 kg x 5 reps
70 kg x 3 reps
80 kg x 5 reps
90 kg x 5 reps
100 kg x 15 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
5 reps
5 reps
5 reps
5 reps
5 reps
10 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press
40 kg x 5 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 15 reps
2 reps
5 reps
So, managed 15 reps at 100kg on the squat. Which is fine, I think I only did 12 at that weight last time. Sets 6 through 11 at 75kg felt like it might be a bit too much for my old knees, so I might need to back off the weights on those sets a little. Only really should be doing 65kg for those sets.
Was going to skip the gym on Monday due to poor sleep, and it wasn’t going to be a day for main lifts anyway. So why not take a rest day?
But who am I kidding, I love the gym. I went anyway. Did a bunch of bullshit pulling on the hammer strength machines, lat pulldowns and then went a did a bunch of Old Man Kickboxing on the heavy bag, which is my preferred and only form of cardio.
Today is deadlift day. Target is 130kg, need to pull it at least 12 times to be somewhat happy, as that is what I hit last time I attempted that weight (pre-log). Feeling fairly confident.
So back to it, today it’s OHP. This was SHIT. Last time I had to do 65kg, I manage 10 okay. This time I barely managed it and mighta even used a tiny bit of a push with my legs. Even the last 5 cardio sets sucked. I think I was eating too light the two days prior to this. Will be fun to see what happens when I have to push the weight up next time.
Back around to deadlift day. Got 15 at 135kg, which was a good number. But boy did it hurt. The last five cardio sets at 80 were quite tough to get through. Also decided to back off a bit on the OHP assistance lifts, because I think maybe I have been overdoing them a bit at the expense of being able to progress them overall.
Bench day. Target is 100kg. Did 11 at this weight two weeks ago, so have to at least get that much…
Decline Barbell Bench Press
45 kg x 5 reps
55 kg x 5 reps
65 kg x 3 reps
75 kg x 3 reps
90 kg x 3 reps
100 kg x 13 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
Barbell Squat
40 kg x 5 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
…and I managed 13. I think that actually ties a PR for me at that weight, and maybe with a little less bodyweight to boot. Pretty happy about that. Went ahead and bumped up the cardio sets to 80kg, because there was still something left in the tank. My benching also responds really well to 5/3/1 for some reason.
Okay, back around to shoulder day. This is the start of week three (second cycle), so I have to push it a bit. Was pretty unhappy last week, almost cheating my way to 65kg for 10 reps. The app is calling for the same weight, but I am going to go for 67.5kg. Have my mind set on 8…
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
30 kg x 5 reps
35 kg x 5 reps
40 kg x 3 reps
55 kg x 5 reps
60 kg x 3 reps
67.5 kg x 9 reps
50 kg x 10 reps
50 kg x 10 reps
50 kg x 10 reps
50 kg x 10 reps
50 kg x 10 reps
Barbell Deadlift
60 kg x 5 reps
90 kg x 10 reps
90 kg x 10 reps
90 kg x 10 reps
90 kg x 10 reps
90 kg x 10 reps
Anyway, I felt great. Managed 9 reps at 67.5kg, and they were all legit. Numerically not much better than last week, but it sure felt better. And then 50kg for the cardio sets, which also felt good. I think it was because I wore my Superman shirt today.
On the other hand, the Deads kinda left my back sore. A bit of residue from overdoing Deadlift day a few days ago. I think I will have to consider skipping week 3.
Had a pulling day, but I won’t bother recording it. Did some weighted pull-ups, which was fine, but most of my pulling is just treading water a bit while I focus on the 5/3/1 lifts.
So, then, back to squat day. Week 3 of cycle 2, so have to nut up a bit. Target is 115. Did 12 reps at 110 last time, so I guess I have to improve on that…
Barbell Squat
50 kg x 5 reps
60 kg x 5 reps
70 kg x 3 reps
90 kg x 5 reps
100 kg x 3 reps
115 kg x 13 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
75 kg x 10 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press
40 kg x 5 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 10 reps
70 kg x 20 reps
13 reps. Pretty satisfied I guess, especially since I probably should have had a rest day today instead of going to the gym.
Behind in my logging, but not in gym time. Was going to skip deadlift day in week 3 of cycle 2, but decided to sack up and go for it anyway. Wasn’t sure if my back was going to like it, but I was feeling pretty good. Going for 145kg…
Barbell Deadlift
60 kg x 5 reps
75 kg x 5 reps
90 kg x 3 reps
115 kg x 5 reps
130 kg x 3 reps
145 kg x 13 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
80 kg x 10 reps
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
20 kg x 5 reps
45 kg x 10 reps
45 kg x 10 reps
45 kg x 10 reps
45 kg x 10 reps
45 kg x 12 reps
13 reps was pretty good. This is approaching some of my all-time best around this weight, so can’t be too unhappy about that. Rest of the day was just coasting.