I just started reading the T Forum and was wondering how and where to get finasol. I like probably a lot of readers was wondering how well it works and how you mix it with androsol.
If any one can help, it would help out a lot. I have gain about 20 pounds on 3 cycles of androsol. I would like to try the finasol if I can get a hold of it. I live in a small city and there is no where to get stuff like that.
Try using the search engines first. That Cowboy guy seems to know a lot. Search for his name in the “author” engine. At the t-mag site, search for fina and finasol. Read Brock Strasser’s articles. The info is out there. You sound like you don’t even know this is illegal. After you educate yourself, I’m sure the forum will be glad to help you with the details.
Nice gains on the andro Macdawg. But you definitely need to research the strasseriods archives for your fina dilemma. It is very easy to find on the net. I think a kit to create finasol is still in the works (from Brock). Research brother…seek and ye shall find.
The kit will be for making injectable (for novelty and experimental purposes, not to actually be injected) only. You need nothing other than Finaplex or Comp. TH and Androsol for the spray. Just wanted to make sure that that is clear for Macdawg. Welcome to T-mag. :]
Yes, just for clarity, Finasol is finaplix (TA) dissolved in Androsol or Nandrosol and applied topically. Coverting fina into an injectable is not known as Finasol. I make that distinction because injecting Androsol/Nandrosol/Finasol would be very bad. (As in, you’d be in the hospital.)
BTW, Brock gives a complete Finasol recipe in the upcoming paper issue of T-mag.