Oh and here is my explaination for why I think you should stay out of the gym for more than just a week. Untill your natural test production kicks in there is a point where you will not have a lot of androgens in your system and therefore any muscle damage acrude will not be repaired untill you have a sufficient amount of free test available to help. Thas why begining intensive west side training at this point in your recovery is probably not the best idea. I realize that you have a test bridge in place but I still think that you should take a least a good 3 weeks off hard gym training before you begin your new program - unfortunately once you cross over to the dark side the only time you will experience real improvements in strength am muscle size/performance will be when you are “on”. If I were you i would just take it easy for the next few weeks, do a little cardio daily to stay tightened up, keep those protiens high and the latest I have read on clen says that it may have a negative effect on igf-1 levels in the body so maybe do some research and reconsider this compound. P-22
p-dog, how big do you think you would be if you were all natural? I’m just curious. I’m all natural but by looking at your size i wonder what some “supplements” could do for me. you look very big good work.
Looking bro, nice and big. Keep up the good work, and use some of P-22’s advice. When I finish my cycle I plan to stay out of the gym a week, and then for about another 2 weeks, stay light weight 15 reps, nothing crazy, just stay hard.
nasty i think id probably be about 20 lbs lighter. i have only done one mass cycle, in which i think the test was fake anyhow. and a couple of short tren only and tren winny cutters. so to be honest i havent gained a ton of muscle from aas.
p-22, i agree ill take this week off and then do just do some real light recovery type work for a couple of weeks before i begin west side. my body could use the break anyhow.
ps. i didnt use the clen. just clomid, tribex, and methoxy.
Hey bros, I disagree on the PC workouts. I think you should stay heavy and reduce the volume somewhat.
For reference, after my last cycle my bench was up by 50 lbs, and I took methoxy and clomid. It dropped by 10 lbs (still up 40) and hung there for a couple months until a combination of car accident and vacations kept me out of the gym for 4 straight weeks.
When I came back after all that, I had lost a lot of what I had gained in terms of lbm and strength. (Bench was only +10 from precycle.) Bodyweight was +5 precycle.
Use it or lose it.
Good traps. I think I asked before but I’m not sure. What do you do for them?
Great stuff P-dog…your face LOOKS FAMILIAR>>>DO YOU WORKOUT AT INSH>>> ? LOL…
oh yeah, wideguy i think you asked me that on the other thread before i had it deleted.
to be honest i do no direct trap work of any kind. i was basically born with decent traps. literally people have been asking me about my traps since about the 4th grade! kids used to grab them and ask me what the heck they were lol.
i just wish my freaken chest would grow like that.
Are you only working out your chest once a week? If so, try working your chest twice per week. I am the opposite, good chest, stubborn traps…
nope i train it twice per week. horizontal push and pull as well as vertical.
is that pic of ericka? if it is then that is some of the funniest shit i have ever seen. all the ball busting she does on you. so you post her pic on your body. oh, great delts bro. i go to bed at night praying god will bless me with delts like that.
thanks bro! yep thats ericka all right.
i guess ericka is taking the high road on this one. she hasnt commented on what you did. that is fucking hilarious though. i am not in anyway disrespecting her though. i am an admirer of beautiful women. she has a great face. man, what i would do to that face. wait a minute, i am getting carried away.
Actually drago I posted these pics for p-dog and pasted my pic on them for him. Does this mean that I won’t talk anymore shit? Hell no!
well then. your not just a beautiful chick but your also a cool chick. i compliment you for that. its nice to see some women still have a sense of humor. too many uptight, womens lib, fem-nazis out there for me. i like your style!
HEY, you all remember that the JACKASS, OHHH, I MEAN DONKEY got her to post her picture first OK. So don’t you forget it!
Hey Drago, you don’t mind if I drop you for P dog for a few do ya?
goddammit ru! you havent posted in a fucking week, then you have the audicity to get on my god damn thread and make nairy a mention about my god damn physique. am i not cool enough for you or something? wtf?
I did mention. You have to read between the lines bro. Read between the lines. I said I was going to drop Drago for a few to kick it with you. That HAS to mean something about you now does it not? OHHH, I forgot, you need to hear it first hand. P DOG IS A STUDMUFFIN. THE T MAG GODS & GODDESSES MUST BOW AND PAY HOMAGE TO HIS AWESOME BODY. You look good. You really do. In fact you look so damn good I think it is what caused my computer to crash. Yeah, that was it. Hell, you’re hotter than a two dollar whore on a half priced with a coupon. OH, what is that mess on my screen, I just left a spooge mark your body makes me so hot. OHH LAA LAA. Feeling better now bro?
you guys are all fucking nuts! and ru, i am really nervous about you and pdog. what if you like him better? you may never come back. i just dont think i can handle that right now. i need you now more then ever.
thats more like it!
and i thought you just wanted me for my pretty face and not my body.