gear and poon-tang

is it just me, or is there a direct link betwen aas usage and how much tang one gets?

i have come to this hypothesis based on some recent developments on this board as well as the “weirdest sex circumstances” thread on the off topic.
i mean the steroid guys only reply to threads that pertain to aas or fucking.

based on this info i have concluded that those of us that use aas like to fuck! is it that guys who like to fuck also like to use gear? or is it that using gear allows us to get more biatches?

which came first, the chicken or the egg???

its attitude or some kind of sense for test.

i have noticed this with prohormones. i don’t know if its the excessive training, the PH, or an attitude that is generated from a placebo, but i have noticed a big difference when i’m “on”. even if its a placebo with prohormones (which i don’t think it is considering i’m larger and stronger than i when i started 4 weeks ago), i definitely approach the gym differently and i think that probably translates to other things as well. i’m most definitely more aggressive, more assertive, and generally a little more “cocky”.

when you know you have an advantage, its huge… not to mention that if you are in reasonably good shape and you are on aas, you are going to be quite muscular, probably well defined, and generally more attractive… don’t know but i have noticed this same thing.

I dunno I just like to fuck… Seems like the women smell it on you though. Makes em horny.

btw i just got home from the club. i had a biatch and her friend rubbing my boner on the dance floor. in return i rubbed both sets of their tits, as well as ther asses, and between the thighs. unfortunatley i didnt go home with them . best believe i will be trying to hook up thre threesome real soon.

damn and i aint even “on” yet.

I think I do a lot better when “on” as well. Seems like I don’t even have to try, I think it has to do with attitude and just knowing that it’s coursing through my veins. That’s not to say that I don’t do well when I’m off. ;p

Oh yeah, and P-DOG, that “biatch” wasn’t the gay guy that you mentioned was it??? j/k

spook hit the nail on the head. they can smell it. without even knowing it we make them horny. anyone see the movie “michael”. it kind of like what he did to women. they just picked up his sent and wanted him to bend them over. i work part time as a bouncer at a night club. we have on average between 500-600 patrons a night on weekends so it a fairly popular place. tons of ass in this place. i can notice a huge difference in the number of times i am hit on when i am cycling versus when i am not. no contest. i have no clue scientifically whats going on. but, i know women can tell something different about me when on.


Drago, don’t leave us frickin’ hanging. You talk about getting hit on when you are on AAS, we wanna know how much ass you actually stroke from that club when you are on AAS…

i do alright. quite honestly i am very particular. my gf works there as a bartender and i always let the ladies know up front that i am taken. that weeds out a lot but keeps them from getting pissed about me lying. now if they want to persue it from there then its not my fault. i am just a victim. we keep a mattress in one of the back storage rooms where the bar keeps soda and cups and various supplies. oh man if that mattress could talk. the bouncers can all use it but we have a no cum stain rule. plus we make the new guys who are single wash the sheets between weekends. it keeps things exciting. oh yeah, the fights are fun too.

It is pretty pathetic reading some of these responses. Especially Katphan wanting to know how much ass another guy gets. Thanks to all for letting everybody know how much ass you don’t get.

i wonder how deca users feel about this topic?

drago what exactly is you and your co workers policy as far as fights go? i got in a fight with some prick at a club a few weeks back and some fuck head bouncer jumps all over me and just totally escelated the situation. well until mdog grabbed the muther fucker by his neck and took him to the ground. anyways i was just curious what the policy is? my situation could have been handled a hell of a lot better by the bouncers and everything would have ended peacefully.

oh and “shocker,” get the fuck out of here. nobody wants to hear anything you have to say.

shocker must be gay.

i’d hella touch that


Ever nail one while your GF was working?

Well I only do aas a few times a year and during those times I definitely get hit on more. I don’t think I dress or act different or more confident… I swear they can smell the test…
Or maybe I’m just so much hornier I’ll do anything to get some and don’t even realize it.
Whatever the case, I get more while on.

maybe they can smell our “pheromones?”

warhorse… this is terrible to say because i have a seriously hot gf who i really do love. but, the answer to your question is, almost exclusively. we work the same nights.
pdog… i understand what your saying totally. honestly the way i handle it, if your cool with me then i am cool with you. if your a dick with me then you get me and if i need it, about 20 other meatheads all over you. i really go out of my way to be nice and polite. after all i have to live in this town and i dont want to worry about walking through the mall with my kid and something happening. most guys that get fucked up know they deserved it and end up apologizing the next time you run into them. i have made many more friends then enemies working as a bouncer. plus there is a constant influx of pussy. after all. girls are turning 21 everyday : )

your exactly right. all the dude had to do was get in between me and the dude and say either stop or get the fuck out and i would have calmed down. instead he fucking bum rushes me like i was am ex con and didnt do shit to the fag that started the whole thing.

he thought he was some big tough guy. until 170 lb mdog snatched him up. lmao, it was hella funny. i was in total shock when i saw mdog on the floor holding this 250lber by his neck. the dude was just saying “let me go, let me go.” hella funny shit.