After a summer long bulking phase I had my body composition tested by one of the trainers using a 3-site pollock (sp?) caliper test. According to the test I am 188 pounds at 8% bodyfat, so I am pretty psyched needless to say, I am looking bigger everywhere especially the back, chest and legs, but those f$@&ing abs, o lord why must they not show a striated six pack, which can hold quarters in the cuts? I don’t have a bulging gut, but there is a small belly and I can barely see the abs showing themselves. Is this due to not having done any cardio this summer? I thought that at 8%bf I would be ripped to shreds. I think that part of my problem is my problem area (my abdomen), I leave for college tomorrow, and plan on adding some light cardio (part of army rotc) so I hope this will solve my problem, any ideas, thoughts, comments.
Eight percent is a very respectable bodyfat level…however to really get the washboard, most men will have it unless they are at six percent or less. What is your ab skinfold measurement? Generally this should be 7 mm. or less if you really want ripped abs. Good luck, and congrats on your accomplishment, 188 @ 8 percent is pretty damn good.
I would have thought that you would have your six pack at 8% bf. Have you worked the abs with heavy enough weights to build the musculature to show thru?
What are you doing for abs? I am carrying a lot more fat than I should, but my abs are starting to develop nicely, ever since I reintroduced deadlifts into my routine and started training my abs like any other body part. Are you perhaps also being a little too hard on yourself?
bro, i know exactly how you feel. i went from 200 10% bf to 193 5.5% in one month using md6 and T2. Now a month later using adrosol/nandrosol i’m 202 6%. The problem is i don’t workout abs. that tells me that i need to train abs like i do other body parts to get them totally shredded. All the fat goes to that part of my body. A lot of people say diet is the key, but not for me. Its training. laters pk
Do any of you remember Boyer Coe? As ripped as he got, he never showed much in the way of abs. Bad genes, I guess. But he still made a big mark on the world of body building.