Hi all,
Anyone know of any good all natural fiber supplements? Does GNC or walmart carry any good ones?
When on the velocity diet I used a supp from Wal Mart called “FiberOne”. It had 90 chewable tablets in the container and each tablet had 2g of fiber each.
It has an orange flavor to it and you don’t need water to consume them.
I add a tablespoon of milled flax seeds to my protein shake in the morning and a tablespoon to full fat yogurt before bed. Milled flax seed also contains Omega 3 oils and protein.
100 % Whole Grain Milled Flax Seed
Serving Size 2 Tbsp.
Weight Per Serving 13g
Calories 60
Calories From Fat 40
Total Fat (g) / %DV 5g/8%
Saturated Fat (g) / %DV 0g/0%
Cholesterol (mg) / %DV 0mg/0%
Sodium (mg) / %DV 0mg/0%
Carbohydrates (g) / %DV 4g/1%
Dietary Fiber (g) / %DV 4g/15%
Insoluble Fibers 1g
Soluble Fibers 3g
Sugar 0g
Protein 3g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Vitamin E 2%
Calcium 2%
Iron 4%
Awesome guys!
Thanks a lot.I’m just looking for a high fiber supplement.I’ll check out walmart.
Thanks again,Poe.
There is a product called Benefiber. The fiber is derived from guar-gum. It’s a fine white powder or granule you can add to shakes, sprinkle on food, pretty much work into anything. Doesn’t add any flavor. May help thicken a sauce.
Of course Metamucil is the old standard. Gets a bad rap as “old people” supplement and a laxative, but it’s really good stuff. Just get the plain without the sugar and flavorings.
You might also be able to find a bag of psyllium husks.