Hey all, just had a few questions I could use some answers for.
First off, I’m doing 5/3/1 and have been lifting for about two years. I’m in the Army, I’m 19 years old, 198lbs. My current lifts(using the 5/3/1 formula, haven’t done 1RM in a few months) are a 325 Bench, 515 DL, and 390 Squat. Can post my actual routine if anyone would like it.
My lifts started stagnated lately, worse still my Bench and DL have been dropping slowly, and I just generally feel like shit during lift days. I was doing a lot of assistance work but recently reduced the amount I do so I’m not burning myself out so much. I recently started eating a lot less than what I was taking in(~5000kcals/day) trying to save money, and also because I feel comfortable at my current weight for the time being, and would like to compete in a raw 198 competition soon enough. Any tips on still increasing lifts without a huge calorie intake or weight gain?
Deadlifts: on my last set should I be going for high reps in the very heavy range? I notice form starts to break down fairly quickly, and I’ve heard doubles and triples are the way to go with heavy dead’s.
Also, I was looking for some help on squat work. My squat has been increasing, albeit slowly, but as long as there’s improvement I’m happy. However I was looking for some feedback on the assistance work I’m doing, to make sure I’m doing everything I can. The main problems I’ve had are coming strong out of the hole and also sometimes I’ll fall forward slightly and my back will have to compensate. Is this just form work? I believe I have a video from last week I can post if needed.
Typically after my 5/3/1 Squat I’ll do the following:
4 x 8 Shoulder width box squats
4 x 6 Romanian Deadlift
4 x 8 Front Squat
Finally, typically on the lighter days I’ll be able to get a greater “max”(up to 25lbs difference) according to Wendler’s formula than on my heavier days(90%+). Is this normal or should I be getting even numbers across the board?