Hey guys, is it normal to feel a bent over row in your lower back? For context, I’m doing them from a power rack set just above knee level. To my understanding, the lower back is stabalizing everything in conjunction with the core. Am I on the right track there or am I missing something?
please post a video of you doing the movement.
Another thing: I did bent over rows like CT shows in the video you posted. I could do about 245lbs for 8 reps. I always felt that every time I pulled with my lats that my hips and lower back acted like a damper that much of my pull was absorbed by my hips and lower back trying to hold their position, but yielded some.
I switched my stance to ultra wide. That is, my toes were just inside the plates. So much so, that I had to pull them out of the way of the bar when my set was complete and I returned the bar to the ground to assure that I would miss setting the plates on one of my toes. I strongly arched my back and did what I can only best describe as “locking my hips.” With my stance being ultra wide, my knees were completely out of the bar path. Now when my lats pulled the bar, it felt like I was pulling against a rigid brace. And yes, I had a little “rock” on each pull. I fairly rapidly added my working weight up to 405lbs for sets of 8 reps.
I never saw anyone else pull bent over rows from a stance that I used, but then again, I never saw anyone who could bent over rows what I could do.
I will say that numerous days I did bent over rows when my back was really hurting, where it hurt to warm up. I could barely get bent over to pull on the bar on the first set (always 135lbs.) But after the first set, the strong equal flexing of my erectors totally removed the pain. I cannot explain exactly why, but it was the same correction that my back experienced when I did squats.
X 2. Theres a ton of variation in how people do these.
Hey guys, I’m so sorry it took me about a week to get a video for you, I had to do some unexpected traveling. Anyway, the video is up on YouTube, linked below. Feedback is appreciated and I appreciate your patience
Sorry, just noticed it; should be public now