does anyone one know if anything out there compares to MAG-10? is Alpha Male as good for mass gains?
Apples and Oranges. There is simply no way to compare the two.
They are both awesome supps IMO. but one is now classified as an illegal steriod and thje other a legal supplement that boost ones own natural T production. So they are WAY different.
Yes both are great but you cant compare them.
I suggest reading the product info. on each if you want a full understanding of them. A little research and edcucation can go a long way.
Hope that helps.
My $.02- Alpha Male is a great supplement. But no currently legal supplement will compare to a prohormone. And no prohormone will compare to an anabolic steroid.
Also, for mass gains, Carbolin 19 would most likely be your Biotest supplment of choice. Alpha Male functions primarily as a T-booster-which can improve body composition but does so more indirectly.
Which is absolutely insane. What kind of fucking government do we live under? Im pissed to say the least…I sent in my angry emails and letters to congress I hope you all do the same(Rage Against The Machine Post)
i thought Carbolin 19 is supposed to br very slow acting and lean you out? MAG-10 is fast acting and huge weight gains?
[quote]goldman812 wrote:
i thought Carbolin 19 is supposed to br very slow acting and lean you out? MAG-10 is fast acting and huge weight gains?[/quote]
Cy recommends using Carbolin 19 to improve lean gains. That is it’s main function although it does help with lypolysis to some degree. HOT-ROX is really what you want to maximize fat loss.
Carbolin 19 is your best (and pretty effective at that) Biotest supplement for lean gains. MAG-10 is superior than it, but it is no longer legal.
thanks jsbrook.
[quote]goldman812 wrote:
thanks jsbrook.[/quote]
i have a bottle of MAG-10, M and TRIBEX … should i take Carbolin 19 with the MAG-10 or how should i stack this… i was thinking of two weeks on MAG-10 then taking the M and TRIBEX. where does Carbolin 19 fit into the stack?
[quote]goldman812 wrote:
i have a bottle of MAG-10, M and TRIBEX … should i take Carbolin 19 with the MAG-10 or how should i stack this… i was thinking of two weeks on MAG-10 then taking the M and TRIBEX. where does Carbolin 19 fit into the stack?[/quote]
Take the Carbolin 19 during the time you’re not taking MAG-10. Essentially, take it with the TRIBEX and M.