Favorite Motivational Saying

[quote]LoneLobo wrote:
Roo Boy wrote:
Anthony Robbins suggest that people use incarnations to keep themselves motivated and on track.

Whilst running in the morning Anthony reassures himself that he is getting better by chanting “Everyday, in every way, I’m getting stronger and stronger.”

Fantastic. Try it. Don’t just think it. Yell it at the top of your voice.


I’m sure he means a bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.

“get some”

“Shut the fuck up, and lift.”

“defy mediocrity”

“i do today what others will not so that tomorrow i may do what others can not”

“light weight”

I heard this huge black guy yell it once…he seemed pretty strong.


“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted, but victorious, on the field of battle.”

  • Vince Lombardi

“No pain-no gain, no guts-no glory”.

When I think I’m about to give in, I tell myself:
“This is why I’m here.”
Usually gets me through another couple of reps.

“Always remember that you are unique…just like everybody else.”

“What is the point of picking up the weight…you’re only going to put it down again.”

Confucious say,

“Man who walk through airport gate sideways going to Bangkok”

Truer words have never been said.

Shut up and squat.

The first competitive bodybuilder that took time out to mentor me, and whip my ass into shape told me to remember one thing:

“Never let your ego get in the way of your progress”

That was after a particularly sloppy session where I was using too much weight, trying to be “tough”. That has stuck with me, and I try to remind myself of it almost daily.

“You’re either getting better or getting worse, you never stay the same.”

Great quote for me, always stepping up in my hockey game.

“Fight fire with fire.” …

and I changed the next one a bit…“lift or die trying”…

This applies to life as well…

“Let us run with patience the race that is set before us” - Hebrews 12:1

And when the weights get “heavy” I usually mentally prepare myself by saying:

“Elevator up” or “Marshmallows!” (Mentally turning the plates or dumbbells into light fluffy marshmallows that are easily lifted :p)

Yeah, I get looked at in the gym LOL

Anything by that articulate cat Winston Churchill is pretty good - “Masters of Fate”

“Sure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strengths; that its pangs and toils are not beyond my endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.”

Although that 11 year old girl in China saying still gets me ROFL

Just chiming in to say that I also am motivated by the Rollins “Iron” writing. I still have a copy of it in my gym bag.

I like to yell at the weight I am about to lift. Usually this is right before a PR squat, snatch or C&J.

  1. “come get some!!”
  2. “I own you!!”
  3. “hooyah!!” (this like a military thing/battle cry I saw one time at Ft. Benning as a child, not sure why I remember it, but it somehow seems inspirational when I think of a group of soldiers running across a battlefield yelling “hooyah!!!” in order to rally up to kick some enemies ass just as I am about to kick the shit out of a PR.)
    Glad no one’s ever around when I am lifting. Might look a little crazy yelling at a barbell!!

I work out alone and I tell myself, (out loud sometimes), “Pain is weakness leaving the body” and this gets me through the tough reps.


Mine’s not a phrase or saying, but it’s exactly what I think when when I’m ready to quit.

I think about the Marines who fought in the Chosin Resevoir during the Korean War. 13 days of zub-zero weather in mountainous terrain surrounded and outnumberd by Communist Chinese at least 6-1. Those bastards didn’t give up and put a SERIOUS hurtin’ on the Chinese. I can only imagine the misery the Marines suffered. True hard-dogs. It always makes me grunt out a few more reps or pick up the pace on a run.