Fat To Fire Question

I’m just getting started with the whole Fat to Fire program and I’m wondering about the sixth day. Do you rest and not do anything? Do you take another GPP day? Do you just start the week all over again, no rest between weight days?

Day 6 and 7 are off.
In faith,

Just take days 6 and 7 off from the gym. Naturally stay active and start up on the following week. After you finish F2F - make sure you progress to F2F II.

In faith,

Coach Davies

Should I move on to F2F 2 immediately after finishing the first three weeks or should I take a couple weeks of my normal weight training to break things up?


that really depends on goals, diet and compliance. Why don’t you pm or email me directly with your personal goals and we can go from there.

In faith,

Coach Davies