Fat Question

If I’m getting my 6 grams of EPA/DHA through 20 fish oil caps, is there any real benifit to taking flax seed oil as well? Or would it better to eats some mixed nuts instead to get other kinds of fats?

It’s my understanding that the 6g of EPA/DHA is the minimum requirement and therefore, there may be additional benefit to add a little flax oil such as 1 TBS a day but I would also highly recommend the mixed nuts also and highly suggest unprocessed, raw nuts as sold bulk. I prefer the composition of walnuts and almonds and eat a handful of raw walnuts/almonds as part of a P+F snack every day and believe it far better to the peanut butter so many like to eat.

V: I look at the caps as sort of EFA “insurance”. In other words, my “mininmum daily requirement”. So yes…I personally would take the flax (I take the mix of "UDO’s) and throw in some Extra Virgin Olive Oil with your food.

In terms of the mixed nuts…a lot of stuff is appearing in the mags and journals lately of the benefit of the Omega 9’s that seems ligit.

Variety is the key, so I would get a good mix of them all. (With the nuts…watch the amount and the salt content; the cals can add up REAL quick!)

Heb: Would the raw, unprocessed nuts be the ones you see in the bins in Health Food stores, or can you get them at a “regular” grocery store? (or someplace like “Sams”?)

Agree…the Almonds and Walnuts appear to be the most recommended…

Heb - Darn it, I love my natural peanut butter but I know I eat too much. Time to switch over to almonds, pistachios and walnuts for the rest of the cutting cycle…In regards to the orginal question, I do think that there is added benefit to still using flax oil. In general, I get 5-6g EPA/DHA from fish oil, take in 2 tbsp flax oil, and 2 tbsp natural peanut butter. Usually I’ll aslo have some of the following several times a week, 1 tbsp oliv oil, walnuts, pistachios and a few golden eggs(eggs with high levels of omega-3’s and some DHA).

Most grocery stores now have a bulk section where they sell the raw unprocessed nuts. If they don’t have a bulk section, you can buy bags of raw nuts in the baking section as used for baking. The bags of raw, unsalted, unprocessed nuts are in comparison to those bags or tins of salted, processed, deep fat fried party nuts which are really junk food because of being like anything else thats been deep fried in bad oils. I’ve been having a friend who has a Sam’s membership pick up these huge bags of walnuts and almonds cheap. A bag at Sam’s costs about the same as a bag at grocery store only is a least 4 times bigger. After opening a big bag, I store the bag in the freezer and take out just enough for a few days and put in a ziplock. Always keep a ziplock with a handful in my lunch cooler. They will keep a long long time without getting rancid as long as kept in freezer.