Fat Loss Diet Help

Hey guys,

I need some recommendations for a new diet. Something where I can lose fat, maintain muscle etc. Probably not a ketogenic diet, just because school is starting up and I have read that it is hard to focus with the ultra low carbs etc… I am planning on getting a solid dieting routine going throughout the year. Right now, I pretty much eat only clean foods, and my goals are fat loss. I am about 5’11 186 lbs, 17.8% bf. I used to be around 29% body fat 212 lbs. I have come this far through clean eating, but I think I have plateaued. I say this because, I have been working out extremely hard, and eating a very clean diet, with little results, and they come very very slowly.

Can anyone recommend a diet for me to go on so that I can shed the last pounds and get down to AT LEAST 14% body fat and then eventually 10%. Thanks

OH yeah, i have been lifting throughout the year but recently stopped about a month ago, because I dont have a memebrship and am going back to school in a week. (I will start lifting again then). During that month, there was no weight training but I pretty much did sprints with intervals about 5 days a weeks. I currently do soft sand sprints on the beach. Again about 5 days a week. Thanks again.

Go take a look at John Beradi’s “Don’t Diet” diet and his plethora of articles on this site. The jist is 1) get a good estimate of your daily calorie requirements 2) keep a food log and keep yourself in slight calorie defict 3) eat 6 meals a day: 3 Protein and fat and 3 Protein and Carbs (Don’t ever eat fat and carbs at the same meal). one P+C meal will be a postwork shake (like Surge). Like the name suggests it’s not a diet but a lifestyle change. Also, take a look at CT’s “The beast evolves” series.

Good look


I second the “Dont Diet Diet,” and just a focus on GOOD nutriton. This can go a LONG ways.

Also another solid choice would be T Dawg 2. Not a Low Carb diet, but a restricted carb diet. Giving you the carbs you need when you need them.

Both these choices and solid food choices will give you the results you are looking for.

Hope that helps,