Hey guys,
I need some recommendations for a new diet. Something where I can lose fat, maintain muscle etc. Probably not a ketogenic diet, just because school is starting up and I have read that it is hard to focus with the ultra low carbs etc… I am planning on getting a solid dieting routine going throughout the year. Right now, I pretty much eat only clean foods, and my goals are fat loss. I am about 5’11 186 lbs, 17.8% bf. I used to be around 29% body fat 212 lbs. I have come this far through clean eating, but I think I have plateaued. I say this because, I have been working out extremely hard, and eating a very clean diet, with little results, and they come very very slowly.
Can anyone recommend a diet for me to go on so that I can shed the last pounds and get down to AT LEAST 14% body fat and then eventually 10%. Thanks
OH yeah, i have been lifting throughout the year but recently stopped about a month ago, because I dont have a memebrship and am going back to school in a week. (I will start lifting again then). During that month, there was no weight training but I pretty much did sprints with intervals about 5 days a weeks. I currently do soft sand sprints on the beach. Again about 5 days a week. Thanks again.