Hey everbody, I tried to do the Fat Fast last year and did for about two days before I yacked from thinking about flax oil. But I am determined to do it this time. I am stacking the new and old T2 MD6 and new Methoxy-7, if Chris or anyone thinks that is not a good idea let me know. Otherwise keep it up everybody. Cause muscle looks so much sexier than fat.
To insure muscle preservation, I’d really like to see some sort of androgen being used, something like Androsol, MAG-10 (when available) or even steroids. The new Methoxy-7 should help a lot, but if you go really strict, like 1200 to 1500 cals per day, then I’d add some Androsol as the article recommends. The improved Methoxy-7 may do the trick for this diet but since I haven’t tried it yet, I can’t say that for sure.
Also, have you tried flax oil in Advanced Protein? Much easier to ingest than that generic crap protein. AP does a great job hiding other flavors. (I mixed my first batch of AP with leftover Designer because that was the only way I could gag down the Designer. Very handy for getting rid of leftovers!)
Also, if the Fat Fast doesn’t work for you, try the “Don’t Diet” plan. Remember, there’s no need to go keto when dieting. I like low carb plans but I’ve noticed many people seem to have forgotten that ketosis is not a necessity for fat loss. On that same note, the effectiveness of a diet should not be judged by how painful the diet is. Then again, we’re a pretty extreme crowd so I know the feeling of wanting to go hardcore with cutting, bulking, training, etc. Plus the Fat Fast is damned simple. It’s a no brainer and it works for most people.
But personally I think it’s better used as a two week “quick start”, then go to a more lenient plan like the Anabolic Diet or the T-dawg, or move to the “Don’t Diet” plan. Sometimes I’ll do a three day Fat Fast just to kick things off, then go to another plan that involves some chewing. Oh yeah, and don’t come off the Fat Fast by hitting the buffets. Very bad. As Berardi says, the body is primed for fat gain after a strict keto diet so you have to be careful. Hope all this helps.
As well as the tendency to be hardcore in all things, I think most people do the FF because they want nice quick results. Would 3 days on the FF to kick off a ‘don’t diet’ phase give that instant gratification we’ve all come to know and love?
Chris is right on about this one. I did this for 6 weeks without andro and payed with my muscle. It has taken me a long time to get it back to where it was so be smarter than me and learn from my mistake do not do it without andro.