Fat Fast -No more Doughboy!

I started on the Fat Fast this week and was planning on doing the Androsol cycle to help preserve muscle. Since the Androsol cycle is 2 weeks on 4 weeks off and I’m ambarking on a 28 day Fat Fast when should I start the androsol cycle? Also, I use Tribex and am going to use the GBC program. So hmmmm? When to do androsol?


Brock used Androsol the whole time he was on the diet, but remember he only used like 35 sprays at a time, not the full dosage. Read the article again. Tim Patterson in his column also said something about longer cycles proving to be safe. That was a few issues back.

I am planning on doing the fat fast diet this spring and when I do it I plan on using androsol for the whole four weeks. I will use 70 sprays twice a day for two weeks, then for the last 2 weeks I will only use 70 sprays n the morning and wash it off by 8 at night, and then I will use 10 caps of tribex a day for 3 weeks. I think this is the way I will use androsol all the time anyways. If you want to be more careful you could just do 70 sprays in the morning only for the whole 4 weeks.