Fasted Cardio Q

I haven’t posted on here for a long ass time, and I thought I’d come back as this truly is the best place for knowledge within bodybuilding. I’m not some uneducated ass with bodybuilding/nutrition anymore and I’ve been on a bulk for the past year and gained a lot more than I ever have (along with some amount of fat) so I’m back here for some advice with fasted/semi-fasted cardio and a cut!

I’ve been dwelling about a cut for sometime and been reading more and more about fasted cardio with the Roundtable article, which was utmost helpful.

But I have a few questions about my own way of approaching it and was just wondering if you guys would agree with my way of approaching it for body composition and whether or not this would be the better of ways to do so (with post and pre workout help)?


Wake up
Caffeine tab 50-100MG
Drop back off for 10-15 mins (Lowery method)
Half or one level scoop of protein into a shaker with 5g BCAA for throughout the cardio? or before?
Cardio 30-45mins


3-4 eggs, veges, 50g/half cup oats, berries.

Or should I have some sort of fast releasing carbs?

All help is appreciated, if this is in the wrong section, do tell me and I’ll change it over to whatever other section it should be in!

Sounds fine to me. I don’t know what “drop back off” means but I usually have some BCAA OR HumaPro before fasted morning cardio.

As for your carbohydrate question, that kind of depends on how your body personally responds to them. I can think of a handful of gurus who advocate staying away from carbs after morning cardio, and several that think the opposite. That’s a fairly individual matter.

[quote]SSC wrote:
Sounds fine to me. I don’t know what “drop back off” means but I usually have some BCAA OR HumaPro before fasted morning cardio.

As for your carbohydrate question, that kind of depends on how your body personally responds to them. I can think of a handful of gurus who advocate staying away from carbs after morning cardio, and several that think the opposite. That’s a fairly individual matter.[/quote]

Drop back off to sleep I mean aha. Thanks for your input fella.

And hmm, this will be my first real cut now so I’ll take the advice people throw at me! I’ll see with the carbs then

i wouldn’t do that shit…

High intensity interval training after eating plus carb cycling…

I usually do my fasted morning cardio completly fasted and have a P+F meal afterward

If I’m doing FMC, it’s usually going to be steady state and I pretty much do exactly what you do (BCAAs).

The meal after really depends on your macros for the day IMO, but I have read that having protein fat meals after FMC is ‘better’…that being said, there’s nothing wrong with having a carb meal and I do it often. The food after really isn’t that important IMO, just tailor it to your goals/macros.

If I’m doing HIIT, I like to have a meal in me.

I will add, from PERSONAL experience, P+F meals have historically sat much better with my body immediately following FMC. Unless I’m hitting a “lifting” workout sometime soon thereafter.

IIRC the point of having a no carb meal following was to continue being in “fat burning mode”

P F it is then.

Another question - My BMR says 2800 to cut, when beginning should I keep this close to 40/40/20 and then lower the carbs as I go along and up the fats slightly? Or should I just be low carb all throughout? I think the first option sounds smarter as it gives me more leeway to cut calories as I go along. Would this be correct?

Again, kind of depends on how you personally want to approach it.

I have done ketogenic (low-carb 95% of the time) diets and had good success.

I have done carb cycling diets and had good success.

Find a method that makes sense to you and your body, and stick with it. I am personally a pretty advocate of low/moderate carbs/ moderate/high fat + protein with a weekly Skip/Shit load. <---- (Is Google’able.)

But again, to each their own. Ultimately, it’s not rocket science. Calories in vs calories out.

[quote]SSC wrote:
Again, kind of depends on how you personally want to approach it.

I have done ketogenic (low-carb 95% of the time) diets and had good success.

I have done carb cycling diets and had good success.

Find a method that makes sense to you and your body, and stick with it. I am personally a pretty advocate of low/moderate carbs/ moderate/high fat + protein with a weekly Skip/Shit load. <---- (Is Google’able.)

But again, to each their own. Ultimately, it’s not rocket science. Calories in vs calories out.[/quote]

Hmm, I’m just concerned about going under 2800 cals for starting thats all.

I’ll have a go at 40/40/20 for a while, and then slowly drop it. thanks for your input once again!

Start somewhere, anywhere in the realm of reasonable really, check results, adjut accordingly

[quote]zraw wrote:
Start somewhere, anywhere in the realm of reasonable really, check results, adjut accordingly[/quote]

Yup, any and all daily energy estimations are just that… estimations. If you dont have a deadline to hit I would err on the side of going a tad to high in the beginning, and then drop from there. Milk each step for all its worth if you have the time, then drop a few hundred calories or add 10-15 minutes to the cardio and progress will continue.

Heres the Lowery write up on FMC: