[quote]phatkins187 wrote:
[quote]BigDaddyT wrote:
[quote]phatkins187 wrote:
The newest fad to hit American consumers is the “Drive Thru Diet” from the Taco Bell Fresca menu. Jared set the standard with is Subway Diet and then Biggest Loser jumped on board.
I’m thinking about going on the McDonald’s Diet and eating nothing but cheese burgers for a few months. Seven a day is only 2,100 calories so I’d be sure to drop some weight and if I sold out to the ad execs at Mickey D’s I could become a rich corporate whore too!
Any other clever fast food diet ideas?[/quote]
Oh, please keep a journal, photos, and videos if you actually do this. I’m betting it would be hard to stick to this diet. Your body would start craving all those nutrients it is not getting. All those refined carbs in the garbage would throw you metabolism into such a mess that you would be craving to eat everything in sight. You would probably get plenty of protein eating this way, but I still suspect you would lose muscle, energy, and just feel horrible. Lacking vitamins, mineral, fiber, phytonutrients, healthy fats, and good carbs I suspect your body would literally revolt against keeping up a solid workout schedule. If you did lose weight, you would just become skinny fat.[/quote]
Haha I absolutely wouldn’t do it. It’s possible with a plethora of vitamin supplements and you’d get an appropriate macro breakdown.
I agree with most of you the Taco Bell drive thru diet would actually be an improvement for many of Americans. Eating 1,250 calories a day would work for anyone, regardless of the food.
Nobody who takes their physique and bodybuilding seriously would ever switch to an all fast food diet but goddamn it sure does make bulking cheap and easy.[/quote]
People have lost weight while eating fast food, the obvious delusional mistake people make is instead of a plain grilled chicken wrap with extra lettuce they order the large fry and milkshake. Normal healthy people don’t eat like body builders or super models they eat moderately healthy and recognize how much food is a normal portion size.