Just had a curious consideration…I’m about 3 weeks out from my show and I was thinking about switching from the Fast Fat diet into a Massive Eating (Re: The Nate Dogg’s “Don’t Diet Diet post”) one…
Would this be a good idea to help me STILL lose bodyfat while trying to fill out the muscles a little bit…
Has anyone tried this?? Too much shock on the system?? good idea? bad idea?
Please anyone…I’m lookin’ pretty wormy everywhere else but still am “this close” to getting the 6…
I don’t think it would be a good idea. Not that the diet is bad at all, but what if it doesn’t work for you? You’re pretty much screwed with so little time left. It might, but it’s a gamble. Why not just try massive eating after the show for some serious size gains? I say keep doing what you are doing, and experiment with it next time you cut up, when you plan it a little better.
With only three weeks out, changing things up that drastically could mess up your results. So I’d be relunctant to do it until after the show. You can do as John Berardi mentioned in his latest Appetite for Construction and subtract 25% from the Massive Eating plan to lose weight. Some of his recent posts have talked about his progress with this type of eating and plenty of cardio.
Yeah I know it’s cutting kind of close…I decided to keep the rest of the day the same as I’ve been on, but make my post-cardio meal in the morning a small serving of porridge with the protein (no fat)…so I guess it’s going to slowly become a weird hybrid of the fast-fat and Massive Eating concepts…
Well even if I place last, I’ve narrowed down A LOT of what works and what doesn’t for next time around…
If anyone else has anymore input, I really do appreciate it…thanks again to DeepSquatter and Nate Dogg for responding…
I would worry about all the water weight you’re gonna gain back once you begin eating normally again. Also your body has probably grown accustomed to the F.F by now so eating that many more calories probably won’t work…I don’t know your situation now or how long you’ve been on the F.F. but if you’ve been on it more then 3 weeks I think you should take a 4 or 5 day period and carb up then resume it for the following 2.5 weeks.
unfortunately if you cant see your abs yet (is that what you mean by “this close”), then you need to be concerned with fat loss and not filling out. i dont know the level you are competing at but you definately gotta get the abs out if you hope to do better than last. this requires either a reduction in calories or cardio. i prefer the cardio route. in fact I would do 2 x 45 minute sessions per day in the closing weeks before a show. that with a low calorie diet should get the abs out. since it’s your first show, get as lean as you can. even if you look a bit stringy. i used to compete in the low to mid 190s and beat guys my same height but up to 250lbs due to superior conditioning.
Okay I must’ve hit the Twilight Zone today, because I just started doing that (2 x 45 min. cardio sessions)…THANKS for responding to the Post Mr. Berardi…this will be my very first bodybuilding competition, so I don’t mind “gaining experience” if you know what I mean, but I ALSO don’t wanna get laughed off the stage (who’s THAT fatso??)…actually I decided to throw in a serving of oatmeal + protein after the cardio sessions, and I think it’s helping A LOT (yeah I know it’s just the first day, but I feel SO much better)…
I’m keeping the FF the rest of the day, then having oatmeal (ie. “Food of the Gods”) after the cardio sessions…(chicken + udo’s after weights…)
Thanks for the advice guys…I know how silly my conundrum sounds…I’m not looking for being babied, I just wanted to know if anyone went through the same thing and what they tried to do (realizing naturally that everybody seems to react differently to different diets)…
Again, thanks muchly and I’ll just keep on this road until June 2nd…Look out here slithers in Wormy Wazoo!!
btw. Ab #1 JUST appeared! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
I feel like getting hot pink posing trunks and coming on as Ric Flair…