Hey, just a question: does anyone here watch this show (Farscape)? And if you do, FYI: After January, Farscape (considered to be the BEST sci fi on TV right now) will be HISTORY. Sci Fi has officially opted out of Season 5. I have more info, if anyone is interested…
I haven't watched it in a couple of years, due to no cable. But when we did have cable tried to catch the eps when I could.
Ummmmm saw a bit here and there. Not my thing. But the one chic is hot. The…one with the white hair and blue skin and black eyes. Think that’s right. I’m not a pervert.
nkeago: You know who that is? The blue skin chick? SHE was at San Diego - I got to say “hi” to her. And she’s quite a beauty, too! Virginia Hey. And she was also in The Road Warrior.
I have to say, that this is sad news. Sci Fi really would like to keep this show going. But the producing company (of Farscape) does not have the $$ to maintain the production values and Sci Fi doesn't either. SO, they must cancel. THIS is some of the news I'm gathering right now.
I really enjoyed the first season, only caught a little of the second. Not sure why but I stopped watching it after that. Great show, though. Really cool concept.
Personally I think the other chick (dark haired one) was hot. Something about that accent... mmmm.
By the way, the Chiana character doesn’t have blue skin, its grey. They mention the color occasionally on the show. She really is hot too. The new red head is not bad either. There was a really blue woman (actually, she was a plant!) but she left last year. If I know these things I guess that means I watch too much.
Farscape certainly is a great show (hell of a lot better than Lexx.) All the male characters are real T-Men. Heck, even the women are T-Vixens. I always wondered how they could afford the production values, and apparently they can’t! Don’t they know that the demographics on a show like that are usually higher income people? They should be able to get premium ad rates for it. That’s what NBC didn’t understand about the original Star Trek and found out too late; the audience was small, but it was a better group to advertise to.
It’s too bad for the Sci-Fi network. Most of their stuff is crap and they can’t afford the good stuff. I only watch Farscape and Stargate on SF.
Thanks for clearing up my mistake, yorik. I did get the “grey skin” chick (with white hair) mixed up with the bald “blue” skin chick. Virginia Hey was the actress who was “blue” skin. And she left last season?
Either way, this show was great (from what I saw of it), cool, interesting characters and interesting storylines. Too bad. And I see they have also cancelled "Witchblade". But I've never been into that show.
The show kicked ass, although I didn’t catch most it most of the time (college boozing cuts in, especially when no one else is a sci fi geek – although, we once figured out that for every starburst one could take a shot – anyhoo). And for the record, ALL the chicks were hot (even the blad one – kinky
Patricia - I always thought Chiana was light blue myself until they mentioned her color on the show. I guess a dark blue woman and a light blue woman made for one too many blue women on the show, so they went with grey instead.
I always thought Chiana’s costume, makeup and hair would be great for an exotic dancer, or at least a Halloween costume, but I guess that’s another thread.
Opting out of season 5?!? Damn it! I REALLY hope they will at least create some sort of Farscape movie or mini-series to give the series a proper conclusion. This pisses me off even more than when TNT didn’t follow through with Crusade (yeah, I’m a MAJOR geek)