This might seem like an odd question and I searched to see if it had already been answered but couldn’t find anything.
I was wondering if occasional additional dosing of test cyp is beneficial in any way. For example, I inject 60mg on Monday and Thursday. If I injected an additional, say, 30mg on Saturday, would I see a bigger boost in libido, better feeling of well being or any other benefits? The reason I ask is me and the Mrs. are going away for a weekend and I wanted to see if doing this would really “ramp things up”.
Or am I likely just messing with my levels and balance and wasting my T?
If this actually worked, you would hear about it everywhere and everyone would be doing it. We want to stay in a stable state, this is the primary goal of TRT so that benefits can happen.
It takes a while to feel test. Placebo effect is large with AAS, so many claim to feel different, but they are just hyped from sticking a needle in for the first time, and are expecting big things.
Some people claim going up and down on dose slightly helps with libido, etc. I’m not saying it doesn’t, but maybe something like that would help. Some people need super stable to feel good. Some people do well with small ups and downs for whatever reason.
@makeithappen7 some people really like doing that. It always sounded too complicated to me but some people love adding some cream on top of injections for the extra dht
I’ve done it a couple times when I’ve had a little extra at the end of the month. I would say that I definitely felt at a mild boost from it, in energy and libido.
I think physioLojik, a knowldgeable endo that used to post here a lot, would do this with his patients. Once thet were stable he’d have them try bumping the dose a bit every so often. He felt it was beneficial in a lot of cases. I don’t think it was by 30mg though maybe 10mg or maybe 10% I don’t recall now.
I don’t think it’d hurt to try it. If you don’t feel any better just go back to steady state.
I go from 185mg to 200mg back to 185mg every 2 weeks. Just enough to keep your body from total homeostasis but not enough to have the effect of a dosage change. Main thing I notice it helps is libido.
This actually does work and is often utilized. Some even recommend routinely altering the dose, not drastically, with the theory being the receptors respond better. I don’t know if that is correct, suspect it is not. However, if I was going to do this (and I have) I would take that extra 30mg on Thursday with your usual 60mg. That should help things over the weekend. Maybe not, but worth a try.
You want to know what will really work? Aqueous testosterone aka suspension. Hits you fast, you’ll be looking for a gym with heavy things to lift or a woman within an hour of injection. Metabolizes quickly though, in four to fie hours.
I think the only actual beneficial androgens that can spontaneously affect you from 1 shot within hours are “mtren” if I remember correctly, as a preworkout. Good luck with that though