I have always said that i dont know everything and all i can help and teach is what i do. My profession is a military hand to hand combat instructor but i also work in a gym because some people i trained just WANTED me to help them. And i always said - i am not a fitness trainer, i can only show you what I DO in the gym and/or what i believe in. I dont teach exercises i dont do, and i dont talk about diets that i havent done. So for weight loss i only teach IF as that is the only thing that worked for me, and if someone doesnt like that they should just get a different person to help them.
That is not my goal. You have to understand that english is my third language. My first one is latvian, my second one is russian and i only use english for watching movies and this forum. So there might be some barrier or something that makes me “sound” differently than i am expressing myself as i dont really use english anywhere else much. In my head, i hear myself as unsure and only speaking out of my own limited experiece, so its weird for me that you see that as “definitive”. The only thing thats definitive is the fact that everything i say i have done or i have tried and if i say something sucks it means it did suck for me. But then again - we all speak out of experience because we just cant know about everything and everyone.
i didnt argue, i just explained what i think happened… on these long timetables when someone just becomes big and lean its very hard to know - how many months did the person gain and how many months did he lose fat…
As a bachelor in biology(never worked in the field tho) i understood that in living organisms nothing ever stays the same. You either grow or you shrink, you either build muscle or you lose it, you either get fat or you lose some. And this happens every second.
When we talk about people who got heavier, stronger AND leaner, my problem with statement of “i gained muscle and lost fat” is that if you gain more muscle than fat, and do that well enough, your bodyfat % becomes lower even tho you did not burn fat.
Math might not be correct but for example - 220lbs at 10% bodyfat gained 20lbs of muscle and 1lb of fat. So technically, he now is 241lbs at below 10% bodyfat.
We will say he built muscle and lost fat, even tho - no he didnt. He bulked clean, he gained muscle, he gained fat, but cuz he gained more muscle that fat, his bodyfat dropped not because there is less fat but because there is less PERCENTAGE of fat.
This is what happens most of the times… Or a person just bulks and cuts here and there for “mini cycles” over the year and presents it as “built muscle and lost fat”.
What im saying is - i believe that once you are big enough and have done a cycle here or there, you cant really ACTUALLY build muscle and burn fat. You can build muscle and reduce bodyfat %, but not actually build one type of tissue and burn another. I might not be right, but that is what i believe, because if that would be doable no powerlifters would ever become that fat, nor would pro bodybuilders bulk so much. In my life i have never seen an actual bodybuilder present his results at gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. That is what we all want. Why do they stupid Olympia competitors dont do that then?
As far as Greg Doucette goes - i love the guy and i am a fan, but lots of his stuff as been discredited many times, and as far as his “maingaining” goes i just want you to keep in mind that he build all his muscle while bulking and cutting on shitloads of drugs, and nowdays when he talks about this “maingaining” he actually hasnt been gaining shit. I know he is now on TRT so we cant expect him to be huge, but it is a fact that the things he preaches now, he hasnt actually done himself, and that also is a reason why Chris Bumstead swaped him as a coach. There was this big drama about him and CBums new coach and all that bulking shit.