First solid AAS cycle 16yr old

Hello guys,
I know its a very a stupid choice but i am thinking of starting my first solid AAS cycle.
I have already done a rad140 and lgd4030 cycle with clenbutrtol and i am still on mk677. On every other forum i was called a retard or given terrible advice.
I am 89kg and i tested at around 18% bodyfat at my local gym.
I have a real source from meso-rx that i already bought from and my idea is to start a 12 week test cyp cycle starting at around 300mg and going to 400mg at the end.
500iu-1000iu of hcg weekly.
AI on hand 1mg aromasin.
Pct is 12,5mg enclomiphene and hcg.
And i always do my blood test as that is provided in the Netherlands. Until now my only issue is tanked estrogen from the last test.

Should i think of anything else, i am thinking of adding tbol for the first half of the cycle.
Another man said i should do superdrol 20mg for the first 4 weeks.
Health wise, i only care about fertility and no enlarged face.

I would rather enjoy my youth and mess my 50s than live long as someone who is just average.

Why not do both? I excelled in my 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s and now am Mr Average at 76.

A good two to three years training natural to get much of your natural potential. Get your body fat below 15%, that is where you can easily see major muscle group separation. That is, no one needs ask if you lift weights.

At 16 years old you need to get strong enough to do 20 pull-ups and 20 parallel bar dips natural.

What is the hurry? Bodybuilding is not a sprint. It is a steady long haul uphill.


You know it’s one thing being in your thirties and being out of shape and jumping into steroids rather quickly . Not only are your hormones likely to be going down hill but you’ve probably gained some degree of discipline in your life . But being 16. Like wtf. Can you have your parents log on so we can tell them to do better ? You’re seriously playing with fire . Are your growth plates even fused at 16? I had friends gain height when they were 18-20. Do you want to be taking likely injections of test for the rest of your life , starting literally in highschool. Learn to diet and lift . When you’re in your mid twenties maybe consider it . But honestly you should wait until your 30s. When it doesn’t really matter and getting on trt/hcg is a better option than not being on trt.

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I do all the tests needed to ensure my health is doing amazingly, and i am defenitly more healthy now after usage then when i was fat. As for growth plates i am already the average height in my country 5,10. Mentally i felt best on sarms, you feel more confident and just better overal.
I am looking for reasons not to start my enhanced journey.
As for trt, i dont mind that.

I personally think your parents need to take away your internet access. You should not be doing steroids and no one should be doing sarms . You should stop immediately and see a doctor to make sure you didn’t already screw your body up.

I always do blood test before and after any cycle whether it was clen sarms or dnp.
The only screwup was with my estrogen which tanked.

This has to be a joke rofl

Thanks for the advice
In my local gym i did a few tests with my trainer and i am already near my natural potential. On compounds i felt better mentally and a lot more active/social.
I did more on them, but i dont want to wreck my body.

If you want to get the best physique you can get, IMO, you need to first get much of your natural gains, stay between 12 and 15% body fat, and concentrate on getting stronger. Maybe when you hit 20 years old consider AAS. I started taking AAS shortly after turning 22.

It is your decision regardless. You do what you want.

Why would it be, im looking for advice from those who know more. If i wanted to rage bait i’d go to instagram

I greatly question that anyone is close to their natural potential at 16. You might be close to the natural potential that a 16 would have, but you are not close to the natural potential that 16 year old would have when he turned 20.

What is your body weight?
What can you bench press for 5 reps?
What can you squat for 5 reps?
How many pull ups can you do?


Im 5,10 which is the adult average in my country. At 89kg in american that is 196lbs at 18% bodyfat. I am not natural.
My max bench for 5 reps is 105kg
I cant squat normally because of hip issues but on the hack squat i do 160kg for 5 reps
And i can do 8 pull ups with my chin over the bar

You’re 16 yo. You should not be messing with your hormones period.


You are no where near your natural potential at 16 years old. Sorry, you’re just lazy and impatient.


Jesus Christ, I hope this isn’t serious.

If. You. Take. Hormones. Now. You. Will. Handicap. Your. Natural. Potential.

Say it out loud.

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I hope your just trolling us.

Steroids at 16, you might as well do heroin while you’re at it.

When you’re a kid it sounds glamorous to abuse your body at a young age because,“who wants to live forever?” But one day when all that shit catches up to you, you’ll regret it. And it will come much sooner than you think.

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I dont have a problem with that,
One cycle would of test wont cause permanant issues. By the time i do get issues with my natural test by 20s or 30s i would already start trt. By then i would only do test cyp.

I am thinking of using AAS and not abusing it. Test only until i am in my 20s.
Everyone is saying its going to be a bad idea but i am not reading anything bad.
Only worse natural production which i have no problem with.
What other reasons should i think about?

What reasons should i know about.
That are permanent and not just worse natural production?

According to the FFMI calculator i am already near my natural potential.
I have been training consistintly for more than five years.