Experiences With ART?

My shoulder problems are really starting to bother me and I’ve looked into getting ART done. There are only 4 providers within 70 miles of where I live in Tampa and there is also one in gainesville which is perfect because I planned on going there this week anyway. I’m having it done for the first time on Monday.

What kind of torture did I get myself into??

I’ve only hard art done on my wrist, forearms, elbow, shoulder, and traps/upperback. It doesn’t hurt. They basically put you through the full range of motion for whatever body part you are working on and apply pressure at certain points during the movement. and Repeat… repeat…

That is my experience with it at least. You might have some tight muscles that might feel sore or tight during ART, but that is why you work on them.

I was surprised that ART was not as painful as I expected. I am still finishing up my treatments, but the relief has been great.

As was said above, the provider basically puts pressure on your tendons and takes your shoulder through various ranges of motion. He/she is trying to detect adhesions and scar tissue and break them up, as well as releasing entrapped nerves.

I do sometimes get next day soreness which is similar to returning to the gym after a week off, but not nearly as torturous as I expected.

My provider also gave me some very basic exercises to do, which addressed some of my imbalances. Keep us posted on your results.

I got it done on my shoulder and lower back. Its not really that painful but just think of a really deep massage on a tight spot, its very bareable.

Sometimes it felt like the Practioner was jamming a nail into the spot but I think that was just the scar tissue/bad spots getting worked out. Only thing that hurt a bit for me was my right bicep while he worked on my rotater cuff muscles in the back because I’d move my arm through the range of motion but my bicep would feel like it was going to explode at the top of the movement. Eventually the range of motion got better with each appointment.

ART, I highly reccomend it to anyone. It improved my shoulder after one session where I could freely move it(quickly/explosively) without fear of throwing it out.

Keith Biggs, in Gainesville, is excellent. Absolutely ART can be a huge benefit.

As to the painfulness, it depends on the person and the condition. In my own case the first several sessions were really remarkably painful – and I have a pretty high pain tolerance – but this simply meant the need was greater and it was most definitely worth it. When a location is doing reasonably OK the treatment doesn’t hurt.

Dr. John Prokopiak in Sarasota is very good.

[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Keith Biggs, in Gainesville, is excellent. Absolutely ART can be a huge benefit.

As to the painfulness, it depends on the person and the condition. In my own case the first several sessions were really remarkably painful – and I have a pretty high pain tolerance – but this simply meant the need was greater and it was most definitely worth it. When a location is doing reasonably OK the treatment doesn’t hurt.[/quote]

This is exactly the thing I wanted to hear. I’m seeing him on tuesday.