[quote]CC wrote:
nolecat wrote:
I remember when Herschel Walker said that all he did was push ups, sit ups and sprints (yeah…sure). Soon, everyone thought that was all it took to be athletic.
Actually, that is partly true. Until he got to UGA he had never touched a weight in his life. They immediately got him started on a training program when he got there, though. Keep in mind, however, that Walker is a genetic freak of the truest kind. Very few people could ever put on the kind of size he did from bodyweight exercises alone. And, obviously, he only responded that much better one he did start picking up the weights.
The guy was big…FOR 1980. I think people who still consider him to have been that huge before he got to college haven’t seen his younger pics in a while. With regular weight training, he would have been a beast, however, weight training is still needed.
I went to a Chek practitioner at their place near SD, CA to improve my rugby game. The program I got was squat, overhead press and deadlift based since I was a hooker. The program was not much different than what my teamate got from Poliquin. I’m not sure why everyone here thinks that Chek is bad because he advocates Swiss ball stuff. In my program, I only did a couple of exercises with the ball, common core work, rotator cuff stuff but basic lifting really. It wasn’t as intense as the Renegade program I did yet fundamentally similar. Maybe Chek trains the general populace differently than the athlete. If you wanted to be financially successful the target market would be the common man who probably doesn’t need to squat heavy.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
-How did this dude get to be 30% body fat just eating greens and berries? He must have found a doughnut tree in the woods huh?
I have a hostess cupcake tree in my back yard…
it’s the only thing holding me back from 8% bodyfat…
If I had a wish it would be that all humanity had the following concept
If it works, use it
If it doesn’t work, then it is WRONG
then fatso moron presenters talking shit like this wouldn’t get hired to do presentations.
How the hell does he get work? Do people believe this stuff? Is it because he throws some half truths in there and confuses people? Is he some kind of hypnotist?
look into my eyes … the eyes … not around the eyes … you’re under. when I snap my fingers you’ll believe I just gave the most amazing presentation on functional training and recommend me to all your friends.
archery is CRAP for developing strength unless you use progressively stronger bows AND shoot with both hands ie swap sides, or you get the kind of spinal deformations the medieval archers had.
argh argh too many stupid points to refute
and above all, the guy was really fat! I mean COME ON! it has to be hypnosis!
[quote]Coach Mack wrote:
Why not be 6, 135 and wield a chainsaw with one hand?? This guy was a clown. On the football field Arnold and Twig are charging head on at 25 mph each. They collide at the same pace, who wins? Our boy, Arnie every time.
oooh I know this one.
25 mph is roughly 11.2 m/s
135 lbs is roughly 61.2 kg
240 lbs is roughly 109 kg
[quote]Coach Mack wrote:
Stan Smith wrote:
I have read all the articles on his page and they really piss me off.
I used to work with guys who were nuts on Paul Chek. Ever since they got into Chek, the got smaller by the minute.
I’ve read the articles too. As a coach I like to keep an open mind to just about everything but Chek just annoys the hell out of me.
I think that a tiny portion of his stuff might be okay, but the Bench, Deadlift, Squat and etc will always be the staples of our departments programs.
Well, I am extremely FAR from being C.H.E.K practitioner, and there’s plenty of things that I do not agree that come from his direction.
However, I reckon we give a guy a stick for what his disciples and his various level practitioners (that I actually have a MAJOR problem with!!!).
Paul Chek does and says some good things and… as such advocates the use of free weights. I’ve seen him actually in a gym, and at that time, unaware of the fact that this was PC, I said to my friend that this was the first in that place who knew what how to use this “colourful shit” - way I labeled stability balls. As far as I recall, he also did one of my favourite single arm DB snatches.
Well, this is not to defend Chek-mania, because I do have some major issues with his followers.
In opinion, probably most of them are just a stuck-up idiots, that if it was not for this temporary hype they would never make it in strength/sports/fitness training. I am yet to meet a chek practitioner who’s got some REAL background in S&C or comes from COMPETETIVE sport and actually achieved something with regard to his/her physical performance and knows how to get there.
Unfortunately, all I found so far were ordinary “pencilnecks”.
Nobody likes a pencilneck to tell you how to train!
final note - I admire his marketing success, though!!!
Like some others’ that we tend to give some shit here!
[quote]DPH wrote:
ZEB wrote:
-How did this dude get to be 30% body fat just eating greens and berries? He must have found a doughnut tree in the woods huh?
I have a hostess cupcake tree in my back yard…
it’s the only thing holding me back from 8% bodyfat…[/quote]
Ha ha…I think my Mother in law has one of those too.
In my younger and stupider days, I tried an exclusive bodyweight and fitball program. It was sold to me as the answer for all my problems. My strength decreased, my size diminished, and my sporting performances dropped right off.
I give you functional training.
Loved the bit about Twig and Arnold.
Hold on there a minute.
Aint that iggy pop? Dont be doggin on my hometown boy.
[quote]DTak wrote:
Coach Mack wrote:
Why not be 6, 135 and wield a chainsaw with one hand?? This guy was a clown. On the football field Arnold and Twig are charging head on at 25 mph each. They collide at the same pace, who wins? Our boy, Arnie every time.
oooh I know this one.
25 mph is roughly 11.2 m/s
135 lbs is roughly 61.2 kg
240 lbs is roughly 109 kg
Anyone want to say who this lecturer was? that would be helpful.
I agree some of the “functional strength” gurus do tend to go off into outer space with some of their theories.
then there are others who stay pretty mainstream.
like it was said lots of it is some good sound training advice mixed in with lots of cooky crap. you gotta be smart and read alot to sort through the jungle of training theories to take whats good and leave the junk. problem is most folks just want it easy and take everything from one guru without critically looking over what he’s feeding them.
[quote]sumabeast wrote:
Anyone want to say who this lecturer was? that would be helpful.
I agree some of the “functional strength” gurus do tend to go off into outer space with some of their theories.
then there are others who stay pretty mainstream.
like it was said lots of it is some good sound training advice mixed in with lots of cooky crap. you gotta be smart and read alot to sort through the jungle of training theories to take whats good and leave the junk. problem is most folks just want it easy and take everything from one guru without critically looking over what he’s feeding them.
You are Totally Right!!
There’s NO “ONE” flawless system (that is also re training method/system, or one know-it-all trainer/coach)!
We are all subject to bias and crappy stories (from time to time).
the amount of these varies from coach to coach considerably though
If you leave something (regardless how fantastic) for sufficient amount of time, you’ll find cracks in it too!
[quote]harris447 wrote:
I just started picturing some of my students running around the forest shooting arrows at one another and actually laughed out loud.
Good work, coach.[/quote]
I would bet my house that if I took 20-30 students out into the forest with Longbows, someone would get shot.
[quote]wesstangl wrote:
I realise that I will get nailed for saying this one ,but here it goes.
Ive talked with some of the canadian native ahtletes. SOMETIMES they have claimed that ;as part of their conditioning , they’d would go into the forest ,chase game ,catch it and eat it.Theyd do so with bow and arrows ,knives and what not.
Many have claimed to have never used barbells or dumbells. They d run up and down hills ,chop wood , and play on the money bars.[/quote]
That’s the same in Australia too. There was a case when one of the Australian Rules Aboriginal Players did his knee. The club sent him back up to Darwin where he came from. He went out hunting and doing all the hunter and gatherer stuff mixed with a little sport specific stuff and he came back in good condition.
That’s great and they have got a history of all that stuff, but for me to take a group of kids out. That’s something totally different.
Besides, hunting takes a full day. You can get good aerobic in anaerobic sessions in half an hour.
then fatso moron presenters talking shit like this wouldn’t get hired to do presentations.
How the hell does he get work? Do people believe this stuff? Is it because he throws some half truths in there and confuses people? Is he some kind of hypnotist?
argh argh too many stupid points to refute
and above all, the guy was really fat! I mean COME ON! it has to be hypnosis!
Haha. When I see a presenter like that it proves to me that time and effort are all you need to make it here. The guy was charging $1k for the 3 hours. I was sure that the athletic director had hired him so we all got a bit of a laugh.
My overall view was that he took some half truths and made them more stupid. Maybe we are supposed to simulate hunting. Chasing an opponent down, dragging a sandbag, and etc are good hunting simulations but he never mentioned any of that. He actually wanted us to go hunting.
The guy was huge. He honestly looked like a big fat trucky. First impressions are vital in coaching and the fitness industry.
[quote]Coach Mack wrote:
The guy was huge. He honestly looked like a big fat trucky.[/quote]
Yes, but I’m sure it was all functional fat, though.
Functional fat is, co-incidentally, now all the rage - just have a look around outside.
Why bother trying to build muscle - most of it isn’t going to be functional anyway. Target your development towards functional fat.
Functional fat is where it’s at.