Ever Have a Day Like This?

I was doing my usual Saturday leg workout and started out with my usual 4 sets 6 reps on the Hammer Strength leg press.

I finish off the fourth set and sweat is rolling off of me and I’m thoroughly out of breath.

Usually I get somewhat winded after this, but today it seemed quite a bit more than usual, along with more sweat.

I did notice my gym was a little colder than usual this morning, maybe that could account for it.

I also forgot my watch to time my sets, so I just counted to get me in the ballpark for my rest periods.

Later in my workout it felt about normal in terms of breathing and sweat (still a bit more sweat than usual).

Anyone else have an inconsistent cardio day like this?

Any idea what the major factors are in this? Temperature? What I had for breakfast? I don’t know…

What you ate could be a major factor i’ve felt like that after eating to large of a breakfast or not enough for that matter. It just depends even on what you did the night before(recovery). Its just a classic sign that your bodies under more stress.

What you ate could be a major factor i’ve felt like that after eating to large of a breakfast or not enough for that matter. It just depends even on what you did the night before(recovery). Its just a classic sign that your bodies under more stress.

some days i feel like my breathing is a bit more labored than others. it’s hit or miss and i can’t figure out why it happens.

I popped something in my eye today.

Its red around the edges, I too was having an off day, and it was legs tonight, so I just kept getting angry and pushing it too hard.

Its usually diet related, if you didnt have enough carbs loaded up you sometimes dont feel 100%.

I have noticed that I seem to sweat the most on my chest/shoulders/tri’s day, particularly when i do front raises.

I ate a salmon patty and a bowl of cereal before I went to the gym. Those salmon patties usually hit my stomach like a lead weight, that could’ve been it.

It’s surprising what a difference I noticed, I’ll have to pay attention next time I do that to see if it’s a factor.

I can’t complain about the quality of the workout though, I put up a new PR on the Hammer Strength leg press.

I pushed more weight than I ever had on that, maybe just doing more work is going to enhance sweating and breathing hard.

It sure seemed like it really flatlined me after the leg press though.

[quote]50_Caliber wrote:
I ate a salmon patty and a bowl of cereal before I went to the gym. Those salmon patties usually hit my stomach like a lead weight, that could’ve been it.

It’s surprising what a difference I noticed, I’ll have to pay attention next time I do that to see if it’s a factor.

I can’t complain about the quality of the workout though, I put up a new PR on the Hammer Strength leg press.

I pushed more weight than I ever had on that, maybe just doing more work is going to enhance sweating and breathing hard.

It sure seemed like it really flatlined me after the leg press though.[/quote]

I personally suggest you eat only carbs and protein on ur pre-workout meal. Fats are tough to digest and it also depends on how long you spend between your last pre-workout meal and the time you acrtually get to train.

I find that the ideal is anywhere between 1-2 hours with the meal consisting of at least 25gr(and certainly not more than 100gr) of slow releasing carbs and 35-50 gr of protein.
However that’s just my view on the subject.
It’s also true that we all have our days where we feel strong, super strong or weak.

Then there are these days where you feel weak and stuffy but when you finally get to train you perform pr’s and so on, I happened to have that type of day last Friday.