[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Glad you and no one else got hurt.
Will there come a day when Muslims, peaceful or not, will be rounded up and put into concentration camps, or deported? It seems to me that the extremists are simply pushing the Western Europeans to adopting continually harsher methods. For ex, the number of street cameras in London is up about 5 fold. The average Londoner gets photographed about 300 times per day (according to ABC news).
If a major terrorist act occurs, I can see such a thing happening.[/quote]
Hi mate,
Thanks - like I said though Londoners are very very well used to dealing with terrorist threats after all these years. First question is always not ‘how many were killed?’ but ‘which stations are still open so I can get to work?’ ;). The Blitz spirit I believe it’s called.
With regards your question - In short, no. I can’t talk about the US but that day will NEVER happen in the UK. One of the greatest things about our country is that it is so cosmopolitan and that for the greater degree, we have overcome the majority (though sadly not all) of our racial and religious prejudices etc.
We are fully aware that Osama Bin Laden doesn’t(didn’t?) speak for all of Islam, not even the majority of it, in the same way that we don’t lock up every single teenager because of all the violent youth crime committed by the small minority.
One of the strange things here is that our government went to war against the wishes of majority of the public, who foresaw and predicted exactly the situation that has come to pass. So bizarre that the so-called ‘experts’ didn’t…
But now we have a new Prime Minister, who I am sure will want to gain popularity by distancing himself somewhat from that decision, regardless of the fact he was Chancellor at the time. Will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of months - Just like it will be fascinating to see what changes transpire once Bush’s term finishes and the next administration tries to distance themselves from such a controversial issue.
By the way, the number of security cameras in the UK is firmly linked to the amount of money the Government makes from automated parking/driving/speeding violations which is a massive bone of contention here. A few years ago the figure that was bandied about was that we were photographed 500 times a day.
If anything that is a perfect example of governments using/manipulating current affairs to suit their agenda and to further chip away at people’s liberties - cheekily introducing a stealth tax at the same time.
On that subject of civil liberties - I’m all prepared to go to jail rather than have an I.D. card with bio info on it.
Dear UK Government,
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest 
Oh my god, I’ve only been back a little while and have already responded to a few politics posts. Wondering how long I will last before my first argument. Or has everyone become ultra-polite since I was last around? Yeah… right… haha