Ether-based Prohormones

A certain company has an ether-based 5-AD “orally-active” prohormone out already. Has anyone tried it or know much about it? I know 5-AD has been dissed as one of the worse picks for prohormones, but would this product be worthwhile since it does have the added Ether group? I will probably wait until Biotest comes out with Mag-10, but I thought it might be cool to try a 5-AD Ether prohormone if the side effects wouldn’t be too risky.

I think Brock addressed this in a past Strasseroids column. If I’m not mistaken, I think he said he and Biotest looked into this, but it sucked so they didn’t come out with a product. I think they looked into and are coming out with MAG-10 instead (sorry, forgot the name of the stuff in it.)

Yes, I know all about the Mag 10 product. One of the ingredients is a 4-AD Ether based prohormone. I believe the Ether group they are using is different from this other company. The Mag-10 is supposed to make Androsol obsolete and that will be cool even though I do like Androsol a lot.

Biotest is using an ester group instead of an ether group in the Mag-10 product. It is a little different chemically making it more bioavailable than an ether based prohormone.

According to a past issue of t-mag, before androsol came out, only .14% of 5-AD is converted into testosterone, compared to 16% for 4-AD. In my opinion 5-AD ain’t worth a penny!

5-AD may have a lower testosterone conversion rate, but I believe that article also said that it has some of it’s own benifits in the unconverted state. I don’t know how good these benifits would be having that added ether group, but I would think it would be a significant improvement over regular 5-AD. I guess my biggest question is, will having that added ether group make the positives strong enough to use it even if it might have more side effects than a 4-AD based product? I’m no expert or even marginally knowledgable when it comes to prohormones. I know the basics, but I hope maybe Brock or Bill Roberts could help shed some more light on this. I understand if you want to refrain from commenting on this companies products, but there is no patent on 5-AD.

The compound is highly estrogenic so
I would not ever consider using it. In
fact, in our patent application while
I listed every useful variant I could
think of (which is what one should do
in these cases) I chose not to list
any 5- compounds, since they are all crap
for our purposes.

So why are others making it then? It’s because
it’s much easier to synthesize than a 4-AD
ether. The conjugation of the double
bond in the 4- position with the 3-hydroxyl
creates problems in synthesis, which would
not occur with the double bond in the 5- position. And because I suppose they
think the product will sound good to
people and sell well, despite being
aware themselves of the estrogenic
problem and the pitifully low anabolic
effect (only 10% of 4-AD.)

And you’re right, I would rather not
talk about other companies’ products.
This one is truly pitiful and sad though
so it’s hard to say nothing, but I think
I’ve said enough.

Thanks Bill! I appreciate you giving me an answer. I feel more and more all the time that Testosterone’s staff is one of the best in the industry. It makes it much easier for me to believe 4-5 people who have good credentials, than to believe just one person who tries to do it all himself. It is kind of odd how he/they say the 5-AD does not convert to estrogen whatsoever. He/they have also said that T-mag’s sources that are sited for articles are either bogus or irrelavant to the articles. I find that hard to believe.

Anyway, I’ll look forward to the Mag-10 release and you can bet I will be pre-ordering some as soon as it becomes available.