Estradiol nightmares


New to the forum so hello. I have been trying to get TRT sorted for a while now and have settled on Test-c 20mg daily sc injection and this works well for me. Twice weekly 60mg was rubbish, ended up moody half the week and horny the other!

So we went to daily dosing when my estradiol went up to 209 and I was getting sexual dysfunction. I took Anastrazole and it settled back to 82 and we switched to daily. Daily keeps me even, I’ve lost some weight, I have started to exercise and feel happier.

The estradiol on recent bloods is back up to 192 and my sexual dysfunction is back. I’ve gone back on 0.5mg anastrazole twice a week for a while and will drop to 0.25mg twice weekly afterwards to keep it low.

Does anyone else have this problem? The doc says I must be quite estrogen sensitive. The only time I didn’t have this issue was on sustanon but that was awful due to injection pain and being way way too horny!

Any advice would be welcome!

I too am Estrogen sensitive, and convert T to E quite readily and use Anastrozole/Arimidex for an AI. After a couple of weeks of Adex at1mg per week my E2 was at 8 and I felt crappy, I changed to 1/2mg per week and my E2 was at 35 and I did feel better.

Are you overweight? Drink heavily?

Thanks for the reply! I take 0.5mg twice a week. I don’t like the aches I get with it. But we soldier on!