This is a bit of a strange question, or note, but I’ve been thinking about changing my workstation setup.
I sit all the time, often leaning forward, working at the computer much of every day…
So, anyway, I’m wondering about any potential ergonomic benefits of standing while working at the computer instead of sitting?
I am starting to think it might be better for a variety of reasons - perhaps keeping the arms at a more straight down angle and taking up less floor space.
I do know that standing does take much more energy than sitting, and I suspect it may be better for circulation and so forth.
Heck, I even like to pace when I think, which would obviously be easier to do if I wasn’t sitting down!
Has anyone ever tried this type of thing? I work at home so I can certainly give this a try if I want… am I kidding myself?
Now, the long version:
You would be better off stopping periodically and performing some type of exercise rather than believing standing up will somehow induce better health. It might induce wicked varicose veins if you happen to be female or particularly flaccid.
I do this. Half of the drafting tabless and work tables in my office are standing counter height. Our desks are standard sit down type so I spend about half my day standing and half sitting.
It’s a nice balance and helps me from getting bored. I don’t think it is inducing any extra health benefits other than just not sitting for 8 hours straight.