
If EQ is taken @ 600 mg/EW along with test prop @ 525 mg/EW, and masteron prop @ 450-500 mg/EW will itbe effective enough for optimal strength/lean mass gains for the duration of the cycle?

Cycle will be 12-16 weeks long with test being administered ED, the masteron EOD, and EQ 2x per week.

I have decided to NOT run a 12 week test prop/tren ace cycle due to progesterone/excess e2 risks. Soin return, I have decided to use test prop, EQ, masteron.

Test prop 75 mg/ED
Masteron Propionate 100-125 mg/EOD
Equipoise 300-375 mg/EW

I want considerable lean bulk with more definition, alongside increased strength, stamina/endurance, and vascularity. Again, I have decided against trenbolone use. Any advice on how to improve cycle???

16 weeks…why not just run test e and mast e along with your eq and only pin twice a week. Hell even test decanoate with the eq and mast e. Jumpstart, mid cycle boost and/or a finisher with fast acting injectable or orals. Id rather do that than having 12-13 pins a week with your current set up. I don’t mind ed injects but 16 weeks would drive me nuts at some point. Just my 2 cc’s, fwiw.

Thanks for the feedback bro, greatly appreciated!!! And yeah its a massive amount of injections but I am ready. I want lean mass gains, and a reduction in my bf%. Idk really what to run. I am either thinking Priomo or EQ with Test Propionate

No bloat, as little e2 conversion as possible, and solid, clean gains. My goal and want to reach it by the end of August. Am up for any cycle ranging from 12-16 weeks followed by 5 week pct

If you can actually get legit primo thats what id do. Super lean gains…can ever gain decent while in calorie deficiency. I got a hold of good stuff and will run it 400mg a week along with test-e at 500 mg a week. I have eq sitting at home but haven’t run it before…I heard its similar to primo and alot cheaper.