Equality on the Bus

I wouldn’t have given up my seat…what I would have done was to calmly ask the lady if she had a bad back, bad knees etc…if the answer was basically: ‘Well, no but…’ End of conversation

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

[quote]dirtman wrote:

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
I would stand. [/quote]

Good for you. So would I.

In fact I would stand for any woman of any age AND any elderly man and often do. It’s called politeness.

I’ll offer up my seat to anyone. The way I see it, if I can spend most of my spare time lifting and exercising then I’m pretty sure I can handle standing up for a few minutes.

Same goes for holding open a door. [/quote]

She never asked politely, she just made of point of being rude and demanding about it. Publicly and loud. Cause she is a lady(questionable) all women should have the seats without asking on a packed(sardines) bus.

Well that’s not cool, unfortunately there are arseholes of both sexes, but I’d still have stood for her.

Like I said it’s not done out of chivalry, just politeness. I give up a seat or hold open a door for anyone. Half the time they don’t say thanks, but what are you going to do? Stop holding doors for people and become an arsehole yourself?


It was packed on the bus. I would have made more people move around just for this lady who was standing near the door.

[quote]dirtman wrote:

She was not disabled/pregnant/elderly or a small child.

Does fatness fall under disabled nowadays? If she wasn’t any of those above, then it’s fine not to offer your seat. I’m sure there was a lot more non-chivalrous men that stayed seated as well. Her thinking (and speaking) that she was inclined to a seat was a tad arrogant.

Of course “hottness” trumps all. If a chicks hot, then she can have my seat. This way I can stand over her looking at her chest while she has a clear view of my package.

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]dirtman wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
and it’s got nothing to do with equality. [/quote]

Those are great words but why would you do it?[/quote]

Because I believe in Chivalry. I think it doesn’t matter how the women acts (or a lot of women act in today’s world) it matters how I act and conduct myself. [/quote]

That’s a great way of getting women to not sleep with you

[quote]dirtman wrote:

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
I would stand. [/quote]

Good for you. So would I.

In fact I would stand for any woman of any age AND any elderly man and often do. It’s called politeness.

I’ll offer up my seat to anyone. The way I see it, if I can spend most of my spare time lifting and exercising then I’m pretty sure I can handle standing up for a few minutes.

Same goes for holding open a door. [/quote]

She never asked politely, she just made of point of being rude and demanding about it. Publicly and loud. Cause she is a lady(questionable) all women should have the seats without asking on a packed(sardines) bus.
She shouldn’t have needed to ask as you should have given up your seat before it came to that. She wasn’t rude; she was simply correcting you and addressing an issue that your parents should have addressed when raising you. I take it you don’t watch westerns either. Lucas McCain would have given up his seat then kicked your ass off the bus.

I’m generally indifferent to standing or sitting. If I were going to work, standing isn’t the worst idea seeing as the next 8 hours will have me locked into the seated position.

If she asked nicely and I had no preference, I would’ve given up my seat too.

But I agree with OPs sentiment.

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]dirtman wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
and it’s got nothing to do with equality. [/quote]

Those are great words but why would you do it?[/quote]

Because I believe in Chivalry. I think it doesn’t matter how the women acts (or a lot of women act in today’s world) it matters how I act and conduct myself. [/quote]

That’s a great way of getting women to not sleep with you[/quote]

Luckily I’m married so that’s not an issue.


Also I’d rather not sleep with a woman that doesn’t appreciate gestures of kindness. I stay away from trashy women as a general rule…

Edit 2: Honestly therajraj that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Act of chivalry = not getting laid…really?

This comes up a lot for me, I take a park and ride bus to work when I am in town, and travel alot. Shuttles to rental car centers, and inter terminal trains are often packed, and I always offer to give up my seat. I get declined about 50% of the time by able bodied women traveling without kids. Granted those are very short trips.

The park and ride is a little different, I don’t like standing in front of a glass windshield at 70 mph for 45 mins. I have a hard time giving up my seat becuase someone could not wait 5 mins for the next bus.

I do it anyway though, although in principal I agree with the OP, and calling someone out by the lady was crass in my opinion.

It’s only dumb if you’re married and the concept is outside of your headspace.

Being chivalrous, taking girls on multiple expensive dinner dates is now a thing of the past.

Ill go as far as saying that the less you respect a woman, the more willing she is to sleep with you.

Yet another reason to appreciate the OPTIONAL* sex-segregated subways/busses in Jerusalem.

  • Most are mixed-sex, but if you want to pay more, you can get sex-segregated. Most women pay more to avoid the arab-ass-grab, a time-tested middle eastern tradition.

Anywho, we’ve talked quite extensively about dating/relationships in recent threads on here, I’m going to avoid derailing this topic from the original subject.

Sitting here I would say no way I’m standing. Screw that. If I was actually in that situation however, I’m not sure what I would do.

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]dirtman wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
and it’s got nothing to do with equality. [/quote]

Those are great words but why would you do it?[/quote]

Because I believe in Chivalry. I think it doesn’t matter how the women acts (or a lot of women act in today’s world) it matters how I act and conduct myself. [/quote]


Making a elderly person stand gives them lateral movements to resist to delay the onset of bone loss. You would do them a favour. 23% die in the first year of a hip fracture and 80% die in 5 years after a hip fracture. I still give them seat anyhow.

[quote]HateTank wrote:
Of course “hottness” trumps all. If a chicks hot, then she can have my seat. This way I can stand over her looking at her chest while she has a clear view of my package.[/quote]

The proper thing to do is NOT give up your seat for these types of women. Then when someone who actually needs a seat gets on the bus you can give it up. The woman the OP mentioned is the kind who would keep seated when an elderly or disabled person got on, thinking someone else besides them would get up.

I would offer up my seat to a woman or elderly man because that is the right thing to do IMO.

I also refer to men and women who are older than me as sir or ma’am and go out if my way, when I see men and women in uniform, to thank them for their service. (And ill always but them a beer if its at the airport/on a flight… Which is where this usually happens)

It’s just politeness and how I was raised. I am a big believer in treating others as you would like to be treated. (Or how you would want your wife/mother/brother/father/whatever) to be treated.

[quote]sufiandy wrote:
The proper thing to do is NOT give up your seat for these types of women. Then when someone who actually needs a seat gets on the bus you can give it up. The woman the OP mentioned is the kind who would keep seated when an elderly or disabled person got on, thinking someone else besides them would get up.[/quote]

That was my assessment. I think she thought if she could single me out she would get what she wanted. Besides it was packed. I could not really get up if I wanted without making every one else life really miserable.

I’ll hold a door open for someone, it takes zero effort and it’s funny to watch them do that funny power walk to the door that everyone seems to do.
Seats? I’m sitting, I’m comfy. Do you need the seat? Here, have it. Are you acting like an entitled bitch? Sod off.
If I’m going to do something nice for someone, I want to do it because I want to do it, not because anyone else thinks I should. The moment someone acts like they have a right to something, I feel less obliged to give them what they’re after.

How this is even a debate is beyond me.

You give up the seat because it’s the right thing to do. Nothing to do with equality, nothing to do with sleeping with her, nothing to do with hairy armpits or lack of bra.

I’ll concede she’s a bit trashy to make a fuss about it in the first place, she seems to be taking advantage of what is usually a gesture of kindness and not an obligation. But you should have offered before she even brought it up. Case closed.

As an aside, if you were trying to sleep with the girl the best advice is still to give her your seat, as it’s an opening to be able to start an easy going conversation and crack a couple flirty jokes, bragging about what a gentleman you must be (remember, these are jokes and delivery is everything). Sitting there, showing no class and refusing to give up your seat will not impress even the sloppiest of trash enough to sleep with you. And chances are you’re not even going to start a conversation with this girl unless you do offer to give up your seat.

Seriously, I don’t care what scenario we’re talking about, give up the damn seat.