Girl Gets Uppercut by Bus Driver


This was hilarious.

That girl can take a punch, I presume she get’s into a lot of fights.

I want to buy this bus driver a beer!

Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]

At last, someone talking sense on this.

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]
Not only was it a cheap shot, but he didn’t even knock her out. I mean, if you punch someone in the face when they aren’t even expecting it, at the very least you should be able to knock them loopy enough where they aren’t getting right back on their feet and coming at you. The guy should have put his hips into it more. I recommend some more work on a heavy bag and maybe some one-legged barbell hip thrusters.

I guess the moral of the story is hit someone and expect to get hit back…

How was it a cheap shot? It’s not like he hit her as she was walking away. If he didn’t do anything some other run-of-the-mill internet critic would call him a pussy for not doing anything at all.

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]

White knight #1 in the thread.lets see how many come in here.

So a cheap shot to you is considered to be from the front? Or is it because he is a man who just hit a woman? Tell the truth or does your whiteknighthood prevent you from doing so?

I know for sure he held back because her brain wasn’t banging inside of the thick skull of hers. Then again, he doesn’t want to be arrested for killing a woman.

[quote]harrypotter wrote:

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]

White knight #1 in the thread.lets see how many come in here.

So a cheap shot to you is considered to be from the front? Or is it because he is a man who just hit a woman? Tell the truth or does your whiteknighthood prevent you from doing so?

I know for sure he held back because her brain wasn’t banging inside of the thick skull of hers. Then again, he doesn’t want to be arrested for killing a woman.


Because 1 she wasn’t looking and 2 he wasn’t approaching her in any way that would indicate he was about to swing. Regardless of if it was a man or a woman, it was a pussy move.

Shouldn’t have held back with the ground and pound. Soccer kicks and stomps FTW

[quote]harrypotter wrote:

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]

White knight #1 in the thread.lets see how many come in here.

So a cheap shot to you is considered to be from the front? Or is it because he is a man who just hit a woman? Tell the truth or does your whiteknighthood prevent you from doing so?

I know for sure he held back because her brain wasn’t banging inside of the thick skull of hers. Then again, he doesn’t want to be arrested for killing a woman.

Take that white knight bullshit back to you fucking moron. Men don’t hit women, period.

The bus driver was fired by the way. Anyways, while there wasn’t really a need for an uppercut (I’m still lol’ing), I think by law the bus driver did nothing wrong. Once that girl laid her hands on him, the bus driver has the right to defend himself, even if that means uppercutting a bish.

I think what get neglected is that she hit him while HE WAS DRIVING A FUCKING BUS.

With people in it and whatnot.

Did you guys see when he punched that girl? That was a crazy part of that video.

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Did you guys see when he punched that girl? That was a crazy part of that video.[/quote]
Ummm… yeah… think we saw that too.

[quote]PB Andy wrote:

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Did you guys see when he punched that girl? That was a crazy part of that video.[/quote]
Ummm… yeah… think we saw that too.[/quote]

I’ve been reading too much horsey surprise…

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

[quote]harrypotter wrote:

[quote]BeefEater wrote:
Girl should have kept her hands to herself, bus driver is a pussy for laying down a cheap shot like that. Hope they both end up in jail.[/quote]

White knight #1 in the thread.lets see how many come in here.

So a cheap shot to you is considered to be from the front? Or is it because he is a man who just hit a woman? Tell the truth or does your whiteknighthood prevent you from doing so?

I know for sure he held back because her brain wasn’t banging inside of the thick skull of hers. Then again, he doesn’t want to be arrested for killing a woman.

Take that white knight bullshit back to you fucking moron. Men don’t hit women, period.

Male or female some people deserve to get beaten the fuck up.

It amazes me thst no matter how foul repulsive the woman, there’s always a couple of tools who stand up for her.

Bitch deserved it plain and simple.

I MIGHT feel bad for her if he actually hit her hard enough … might