Encouraging the Baby-Boomers (and those younger)

For orientation: I was born in Los Angeles and lived there till 1979, when my wife and baby daughter made aliyah (immigrated to Israel); we live in Jerusalem. I turned 65 last month.

I was as a fat kid and began using weights at age 14 to get thinner. I got more muscular, but it was my secret, because the muscles were hidden under the fat, which didn’t go away. I’d work out six months, stop for two years, do it for three years, stop for a year, and so on – all my life till age 57. Then I got more serious and began working out 5 days a week instead of 2-3 and thereby changed my metabolism, so that my 30 extra pounds dropped away, and I was revealed as being in good shape for a man my age. (Take note: anaerobic exercise took the fat away, not aerobic.)

Last spring the strongest guy at the gym suggested I should enter the Mr. Israel bodybuilding contest in the “Masters Over 50” division; he thought I could win it. I had studiously avoided athletic competition all my life, but after thinking it over for six weeks decided to enter. I got a personal trainer named Itzik Mizrachi, who had twice won Mr. Israel in the 154 lb. class, and he worked me hard.

August 19 was the contest, and I came in third – out of three! Am I disappointed? Absolutely not, it was a total gas!! I’m in better shape than I was at 60, or 50 or 40 or 30 or 20!! That’s 90% first-place already. It was fun going through all the routines at the event itself, even though bodybuilding is such a silly sport (work like heck for months or years, then a beauty contest! – what’s THAT about?). One of the five judges put me second, and of course all my friends who were there had me second at the very least, maybe first.

My point? If someone from the Silent Generation -- yes, that's what our generation was called, but we don't talk about it (joke) -- can get in shape, then surely you baby-boomers with pot-bellies can do it too!! I encourage you -- you'll be pleased with yourselves, whether you're new at it, experienced or an old-timer like me. And if you're younger than that -- generation X, Y, Z or Q -- all the more so!

Blessings out of Zion!

(Dr.) David H. Stern

Congratulations on a job well done!

An inspiring story! Good luck in your next contest. I’m going to go squat now.

Right on! Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m hoping more people will post like this in the future.