Awhile back I posted about how to stack everything i had and had many responses to it. jsut thought i’d update ya on how its goin.
I ended up dividing up what I have to make 2 separate cycles and right now i’m on:
800/800mgs a week of Test Enanthate and EQ. These doses are split up into 2 shots on monday, and 2 on thursday.
I’ve never had a cycle give me such great gains right off the start. I just started my 3rd week and I’ve already gained 12lbs. Yes i know its mostly water and also for the fact that I’m eating much more than I usually do. But across the board, all my lifts are going way up. I get about 3-5 reps more on almost every exercise I do right now.
And because I know someone will ask, here is my workout routime:
Mon: chest
Tues: back
Wed: legs
Thurs: upper chest and shoulders
Fri: arms
and I also throw in abs just on how worn out i am that day.
well i’ve got enough EQ at this dosage to last me 20 weeks. However, I only have enough test to last me about 12. but i do have a buttload of tren and winny (both 100mg) at my disposal and was thinking of trying to incorporate that into the end of my cycle somehow.