First Time Trying Tren E

I have never tried Tren of any ester. I am currently 6 weeks into my cycle of Testosterone Enanthate 750mg/wk and Equpoise 600mg/wk. The trenbolone Enanthate i have is 300mgs/ml and i have a 10ml vial. I have seen various dosing practices for this but not for tren at this mg/ml.

I wasn’t sure if i should do 300mg once per week or if i should do it eod or e3d at a lesser dose. I know that the test enanthate that i am currently taking took 4-5 weeks for me to start getting results (it took longer that usual to reach peak blood levels).

Should i expect the same from the tren-e or will i get results sooner? I was just hoping to get some advice from someone who has first hand experience or has a knowledge of this compound. Thanks!

Not to be a shithead… but these are things you find out BEFORE STARTING your cycle.

At 6 weeks into your cycle, I’d just save it for a future cycle. By the time you’d want to wrap up your current one, the Tren E would just be taking its full effect and would make recovery that much harder. Besides, I think the dosage of gear you’re using is already high enough. Adding Tren isn’t going to make it drastically better.

I could be wrong but an ester is an ester etc. no matter the compound so if your test-e took 4-5 weeks to kick then so will the tren.I am also using test-e at 750mg,eq at 600mg and tren e at 600 mg,I inject all 3 e3d which I think provides the best results with an enanthate ester.

I have found the tren to add a “quality” to the gains if that makes sense.That being said if you are already 6 weeks in I would wait and add it at the beginning next go around.Like I said I could be wrong but that is my personal experience…good luck!

Like the others have said, no need to incorporate it now. Save it for the future.
See Ya

Cool, thanks!

I did plan my cycle in advance. But my scouce only does a few orders a year, and sometimes i will stock up on things i know i will use either on my next cycle or the one after. Or i’ll pick up some extra for friends of mine. But thanks for the advice. I will put it to good use.

Also if supply and or money is an issue for you then your wasting some of the tren. Since your already 6 weeks in, your body is starting to desensitize itself and thus if you start now you’ll get poor results.

I agree to save for next time. Tren E is a less than ideal starting experience as well for Tren. If you cannot handle the sides it will be many days before they clear up compared to Tren Ace.

Dosage wise you’ll want a second 10ml vial. If its 300mg/ml you probably want to hit it either 1ml twice a week or 225mg twice a week. Given the ester weight that’s about the amount of actual Tren most people would start you at.