[quote]flipcollar wrote:
First off, congrats on hitting elite numbers naturally. I wasn’t able to hit them without gear, so I consider that to be quite impressive.
How tall are you? If you’re looking to hit world class numbers as a 165, you pretty much have to be 5’5 or shorter. I’m sure you’re aware of this, but it might be worth considering jumping to 181 (eventually, at least), as it will become increasingly more difficult to maintain such a low bodyweight while using steroids. And I would imagine the strength gains that can be made moving up a class would more than justify the weight gain. Obviously you know your body better than I do, but something to consider.
Var is a great compound. It should serve you well with your goals, and obviously testosterone will make you stronger. Given your goals, I would probably recommend starting test at 750, but then again, it certainly doesn’t hurt to start lower.
Here’s another option I would consider, if you’re not opposed to running orals longer. You could run the Var as prescribed for the first 6 weeks of the cycle, take 2-3 weeks off, and switch to 20mg Halo for the last 3-4 weeks. Halo is incredible for meet prep, especially if you’re on the high end of a weight class. I added significant strength without any bodyweight gains while on it. One of the best orals, if not THE best oral, for PL purposes.
Eventually, if you do run subsequent cycles, Tren is great for minimizing weight gain while maximizing strength gain. I’m not going to recommend it for your first cycle, but Test and Tren are ultimately the best compounds available for PL.
Your PCT is fine, but your adex may need fine tuning, depending on how often you’re injecting, and how you respond to adex. Some folks over respond to it and crash their E at the dose you’re starting at. If you’re injecting twice a week (which I think is a good idea), you could take .25mg each injection. I believe this is the best course.[/quote]
First off, thanks for the thorough response dude. I’m 5’6. I know I will inevitably have to move up a weight class soon (it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to keep my weight down and I am already somewhat lean), but I want to go out with a bang before I do. I believe I can undoubtedly get to top 3 all time and I have the discipline and knowledge to make weight even coming in somewhat heavy. The all time list is really the only thing I care about, so I have no qualms about moving up a class soon as I long as I believe I will reach the top there.
I don’t know too much about different orals, but I have access to var and I’ve heard it’s good for strength while keeping weight down, which is why I mentioned it. Halo refers to halotestin correct? I have seen you in particular mention epistane on here multiple times. I actually stocked up on 6 bottles of the stuff before the ban. What’s your opinion on that instead of the var? Do you think I’m better off running the oral (whichever I end up choosing) for the final 6 weeks of the cycle to peak for the meet? Or kickstarting with it?
I’ll be injecting twice a week and I have plenty of adex on hand. I can start with .5mg/week as you suggest. And the consensus on this board now seems to be that dragging the SERM out longer at a lower dosage is preferable, yes? I have enough to run it 40/40/20/20 or 20/20/20/20/20/20.