elbow pain

please give some advice for training biceps with tendonitis in my inner elbow, i can not think to sacrifice laying off doing curls for a while until they heal because i would get sick to my stomach if i lost even a 1/16" on my arms.trying to get huge arms,would like to go from 17.75" to 18.5"as soon as possible. my current routine is 5x5 twice a week with 2-25’s and 2-10’s on the olympic bar for a total of 115#.please do not suggest to search the forums for info. i am to lazy to do that, and please do not recommend ART technique i researched it and it sounds like a methodology developed by liberal pot-smoking hippies from massachusetts or somewhere.please help, all my life i have been waiting to put on a shirt and have the sleeves not be able to go down past my delts because my arms are to big i want my shirts to look like lou ferrignos when he wears them.

You’re not going to lose arm size by taking a break from arm training. There are more than a few here that have made gains when they STOPPED training arms and then resumed training them again.

I went 2 months with NO direct arm work and when I returned to arm work, they immediately responded.

sometimes elbow pain is caused by holding the bar when squatting. that’s why a lot of powerliftings like the safety squat bar or chambered squat bar since it takes a lot of pressure off that area. i don’t know if thats where you problem is, but its a possibility.

Dude, you are a total candidate for ART. If you find a good doc he’ll fix you in three sessions… tops.

I don’t understand how you can talk shit about ART when you hear everybody else saying it cures all sorts of problems.

Just go man. It’s worth it. I waited forever, and just dealt with my elbow pain… Goldberg told me to go get ART done, and I was pain-free in two sessions. Haven’t been back since.

Jake, admitting that you’re “too lazy” is not likely to elicit the sort of information for which you’re hoping.

Everyone else here on the forum that’s accomplished anything positive – be it cutting, bulking or increasing strength – has done their homework. But you’re not willing to?!?

'Round this neck of the woods we like to help people who are working towards their goals, doing THEIR part (like using the search engine and reading articles in the Previous Issues area) and who maybe are willing to help others new to T-Mag and/or new to the iron game.

By the way, dismissing ART and making references to “liberal pot-smoking hippies” is not going to win you any friends either. It’s a highly respected form of body work here on T-Mag that has profoundly and positvely affected people’s lives, allowing them to continue working out and even achieving new personal records.

Forgive me, but I’ll leave others to provide you with more helpful information while I go help a few people who ARE doing their homework.

Ice your elbow, lay off arm training for now, get some ART, read up on medial epicondylitis, and learn to use periods in your typing.

I had elbow tendonitis and I toughed it out. Then I got cortizone. Five weeks of pain relief and no healing is what that got me. I finally saw an ART guy. He fixed it, after a while. It would have taken far fewer treatments if I hadn’t waited so long.

Your choice, tear it up worse and maybe lose more than size…or get it healed and be back in the gym in short order. ART is backed by good science. It’s not voodoo or faith healing.

i had the same problem than you about two years ago…i didn?t go to the doctor or anything…it just healed by itself…that was stupid though cause it could have gotten worse…it seems to me that you?re a bit stressed by increasing arm size…relax man…my arms started growing when i stopped hitting them directly and better focused on heavy benches and dips…your arms won?t look as ferrigno?s unless you take roids and be a genetic freak…why not do hammer curls for a while with a very slow tempo?..and train triceps heavy wtih close grips and dips…you won?t get big arms just doing heavy curls…you might get tendonitis before that happens…ouch!..it already did…hahaha…just kidding…also don?t curl with a straight bar…too much pressure in the joints…

not that my opinion matters though…


My bet is you’ve been working low reps for too long. Focus on higher reps (10-12). This will have several benefits:

  1. strengthen your tendons and ligaments, and allow them to recover from the intense lifts they’ve been getting
  2. Allow your muscle to be shocked into new growth spurt when you go back to 5x5
  3. Target different muscle fibers, which will result in opimal overall muscle development
  4. Very realistically you will see good hypertrophy

With a post like that, you should be damn happy that you got any actual advice at all. I won’t be so friendly… do your homework and read up, lazy-boy.

Buy smaller shirts.

thanks for the advice everyone maybe i will look into the ART more seriously.i was just reading about christians thibadeuas eccentric training methods in this weeks articles and i may give them a try.

I’ve been away for a day, otherwise I would have gotten to this sooner.

Everyone else was juuuust a little too easy on you there, bud. You wrote: …please do not suggest to search the forums for info. i am to lazy to do that…

You know what? You fucking make me sick. You’re too lazy to do a little reading, but you want all the rest of us (who have done the reading and therefore know something that might be effective) to help you out?

Well here’s a big red FUCK YOU.

You know, there are a couple of decently effective things that you can do for your tendonitis. One is a supplement that got great reviews from most everyone on the forum. It’s called…oh no, wait. Why should I even tell you? You’re too lazy to do a search. I’d be wasting my time, wouldn’t I?

And there was a really good article a while back in T-mag about how to train to cure your tendonitis in a fast and relatively painless way. It was called… Oh wait. You won’t read that one either, will you? Too bad, man, because I had tendonitis in both elbows and it really helped me.

You know something? You are not a T-man. You aren’t even a T-worm. You’re 25 letters of the English alphabet, and I for one am not going to waste any more of my time answering any question that you might have in the future.

Good luck with that tendonitis, asshole.

Hahaha. Char-dawg is a funny mother fucker.

While laziness is not a virtue, I think the search engine needs an overhaul. There are enough articles (and craploads more posts) now that it’s getting really hard to find what you’re looking for. It’s easy to get search fatigue. Some advanced options would be helpful.

Since you bashed ART without trying it even once then you deserve to live in pain. I dont get paid to say ART works. I dont get free ART for saying it works. Im just trying to help others out. Maybe you should pick a different hobby. Go back to stamp collecting or whatever it was you did before.