I was reading through my other 2 favorite mags (the first one being Testosterone of course), Hustler and Club (gotta get my monthly Jenna Jameson fix) and I noticed there are some companies selling supplements that promise to make a guy “cum like a ragging bull”.
One of the supp, put out by LifeKey, Inc., is called Biogen-14 and promises to help you “blow the biggest, longest, strongest, thickest loads of you life…as you shoot power packed gobs of cum upto 13 feet away”.It says it is developed and imported from Pamplona, Spain.
And Bee Allen Int’l sells Sweedish Flower Pollen, that has pollen extract, that promises to help you “shoot huge, hot loads of cum, just like the porno stars”.
And even Peter North sells Men's Power Potency Pills that "increses the volume of your orgasms and helps you shoot some amazing pop shots!"
My question is has anyone tried any of these supps? And if so what were your results? What is sweedish pollen extract, and can you get it in GNC? what are the magic ingredients in these supp that supposedly help produce that effect, or is it all bullshit?
To Joey from Joey Z. I have been posting as Joey or Joey Z. for close to a year now.
So as not to confuse our T- Family, could you please include a last initial when you
are posting. Thanks, Joey Z. ::::----::::
I use to take Flower Pollen. It’s like bee pollen. That’s all. It helped me with my breathing, that’s it. No shooting hugh loads or anything like that. By the way, how do those guys shoot their cum like that? It’s amazing! I would love to learn that!
Does any of the supplement gurus out there have any clues what may be in those supplements for the distributors to make these claims?
Joey Z, no problem with no request, sorry.
Hey, guys; serious question here(feel free to stay “anonymous” if you wish). When a man ejaculates vaginally, can differences in men (related to force and volume), REALLY be felt or sensed? I can see orally…but just wondering about vaginally…
it depends…in some positions you can really feel the contractions so you have an idea of how long it lasted and how many ‘shots’. but as for the actual load ‘volume’ that is deposited (sorry, can’t think of a better way to put that! grin) nope, not that i have ever noticed…
While on finasol, I had megaloads. My GF screwed up with her pills so I had to interrupt the coit and come on her. She was literally afraid because I shot some loads way past her head.
All right. I think that you would be wasting your money to try and buy a supplement that would increase your “amount”. It doesn’t matter at all. The amount of semen coming from you won’t effect your orgasm and from what the girls have said, they can’t tell at all. If you are trying to have children (and I don’t think that you are b/c I think you are some dumb college kid who reads pornos to get off) and think you need to get your swimmers up there further, then go see a doctor - don’t consult a dumb magazine advertiser that just wants you money. And Andre - I don’t believe you for a second. You are a liar.