I’ve been using sugarfree redbull for the last couple of days and it feels like it’s really given me a good boost in my workout, cardio included. I was wondering what negative effects these types of drinks have on your body so I can decide on if it’s worth it, or look elsewhere for my energy boosts.
Umm I only use caffeine pills, green tea and a supp that has caffeine+beta alanine and I’ll have some Spike Shooters once in a while. Redbull sucks IMO. Buy a case of Spike Shooter and you’ll never look back. Tequila lime is real good chilled.
[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
Umm I only use caffeine pills, green tea and a supp that has caffeine+beta alanine and I’ll have some Spike Shooters once in a while. Redbull sucks IMO. Buy a case of Spike Shooter and you’ll never look back. Tequila lime is real good chilled.[/quote]
I found Spike Shooters to be way too much. They give me cold sweats, my heart goes way too fast, and I feel naseaus (sp?), thus wanting to throw up quickly. They are the best tasting energy drinks, but I think they’re a bit too much. I also see nothing wrong w/ sugar free rockstar/lo carb monster/sugar free red bull, besides that Spike Shooter has healthier ingredients. However I have yet to really justify 25k% of one vitamin.
It can raise your blood pressure
[quote]Color wrote:
I’ve been using sugarfree redbull for the last couple of days and it feels like it’s really given me a good boost in my workout, cardio included. I was wondering what negative effects these types of drinks have on your body so I can decide on if it’s worth it, or look elsewhere for my energy boosts.[/quote]
Use coffee, or Spike as suggested above. Better quality and probably cheaper.
Ok cool thanks for that info <3
Another question; What is the ingredient(s) in the generic energy drinks that is bad for you? Anything that will hinder my recovery, gains, etc.? I guess I might try some green tea out because I really feel like I need some form of energy boost before my workout. The difference in having one and not having one is pretty substantial for me for some reason (whether it’s my diet or something else). Although, I’d like to think that I do have a pretty normal, typical bodybuilding diet.
Energy drinks will kill you, they are banned in various countries due to the ingredients…at least red bull is.
Mixing them with alchohol is an even better way to screw yourself up as well.
[quote]coolp3ople wrote:
Energy drinks will kill you, they are banned in various countries due to the ingredients…at least red bull is.
Mixing them with alchohol is an even better way to screw yourself up as well.[/quote]
Pretty shit statement. Lots of shit in excess can kill you.
I guess you’re going the right way using the sugar free version. I’ve cut energy drinks out all together and started using Super Pump, so far and this might be in my head just because of all the hype but it does give me that extra push I need on that last rep.
[quote]lifter85 wrote:
[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
Umm I only use caffeine pills, green tea and a supp that has caffeine+beta alanine and I’ll have some Spike Shooters once in a while. Redbull sucks IMO. Buy a case of Spike Shooter and you’ll never look back. Tequila lime is real good chilled.[/quote]
I found Spike Shooters to be way too much. They give me cold sweats, my heart goes way too fast, and I feel naseaus (sp?), thus wanting to throw up quickly. They are the best tasting energy drinks, but I think they’re a bit too much. I also see nothing wrong w/ sugar free rockstar/lo carb monster/sugar free red bull, besides that Spike Shooter has healthier ingredients. However I have yet to really justify 25k% of one vitamin. [/quote]
You are likely sensitive to Yohimbine and will respond much better to Spike Shotgun.
Hope you weren’t serious about being worried about getting 25% of the RDA of a B-Vitamin at one time.
[quote]coolp3ople wrote:
Energy drinks will kill you, they are banned in various countries due to the ingredients…at least red bull is.
Mixing them with alchohol is an even better way to screw yourself up as well.[/quote]
Tell us, is ignorance really bliss?
[quote]Stength4life wrote:
It can raise your blood pressure[/quote]
I’m not sure what “it” is, but energy drinks are just the sum of their ingredients.
If you’re overly sensitive to a particular ingredient, you should avoid it regardless of whether it’s in an energy drink, a cup of coffee, or some other supplement.
[quote]lifter85 wrote:
[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
Umm I only use caffeine pills, green tea and a supp that has caffeine+beta alanine and I’ll have some Spike Shooters once in a while. Redbull sucks IMO. Buy a case of Spike Shooter and you’ll never look back. Tequila lime is real good chilled.[/quote]
I found Spike Shooters to be way too much. They give me cold sweats, my heart goes way too fast, and I feel naseaus (sp?), thus wanting to throw up quickly. They are the best tasting energy drinks, but I think they’re a bit too much. [/quote]
That sounds like you don’t do well with Yohimbine. Don’t blame the drinks themselves if you have an issue with ONE ingredient.
Simply buy the version without it.
[quote]coolp3ople wrote:
Energy drinks will kill you, they are banned in various countries due to the ingredients…at least red bull is.
Mixing them with alchohol is an even better way to screw yourself up as well.[/quote]
OH NO…they are banned in other countries!!! Well, that does it for me. I always follow the crowd without any personal thought or question.
I will be happy when e top protecting the dumbest among us by banning every damn thing.
Oops, I didn’t see Mod Brian’s posts before responding.
Agreed on the Yohimbine, it doesn’t work for some people. I used to not be able to take HOT-ROX, but after a long time off it, I can shove 2 pills down and I won’t get nauseous or anything like I used to. Weird.
[quote]Mod Brian wrote:
[quote]Stength4life wrote:
It can raise your blood pressure[/quote]
I’m not sure what “it” is, but energy drinks are just the sum of their ingredients.
If you’re overly sensitive to a particular ingredient, you should avoid it regardless of whether it’s in an energy drink, a cup of coffee, or some other supplement.[/quote]
I’m not sure who “their” are. but don’t the energy drink companies put warning or adisory notices on the labels of the energy drinks? If not, then they definitely should
[quote]Stength4life wrote:
[quote]Mod Brian wrote:
[quote]Stength4life wrote:
It can raise your blood pressure[/quote]
I’m not sure what “it” is, but energy drinks are just the sum of their ingredients.
If you’re overly sensitive to a particular ingredient, you should avoid it regardless of whether it’s in an energy drink, a cup of coffee, or some other supplement.[/quote]
I’m not sure who “their” are. but don’t the energy drink companies put warning or adisory notices on the labels of the energy drinks? If not, then they definitely should [/quote]
The point is that energy drinks come in many different formulas, so it doesn’t make sense to lump them all together. While many energy drinks share many of the same ingredients, not all do.
Because of this, some have warnings, while others don’t.
I actually kind of love yohimbine. It makes me feel all happy inside like I’m getting mauled by a Care Bear.
Coffee and generic caffeine pills are really cheap sources of pep. The obvious common downsides:
- trouble sleeping at night.
- crashing when it’s withdrawn.
[quote]EasyRhino wrote:
It makes me feel all happy inside like I’m getting mauled by a Care Bear.[/quote]