EDT Information

Hello all,

I began lifting about 4 months ago and have been thrilled with the way my body is responding. However, I have found that my progress has begun to slow down and that it is time to really think through how I do my workouts. Currently I workout 4 times a week. 2x upper body minus bicepts, 2x lower body with biceps.

Each workout session I do two exercises per muscle group exercised (i.e. two chest, 2 tricepts, 2 shoudlers, 2 stomach, 2 forearms)I do four sets, 1 warm up 15-20 at low weights, 2x sets heavey weaights with heavier weights (usually fail somewhere between 10-15). Then back to low weights to failure for the final set. My workouts take between 1.5 to two hours.

One other thing to consider is that I am limited severely on the kinds of exercises I can do. I am working with a home bench with the leg attachement.

My first question is whether I am doing anything fundamnetally wrong.

My second question is whether EDT is something I should consider. If so, what exercises. I have read about EDT a bit here on T-Nation, but most of the programs suggest doing exercises which I do not have the equipment to do.

Finally, if EDT is not the way, what program should I follow?

Thanks so much for your thoughts!

Jamey Russell

P.S. My diet is very good and I have just ordered some Surge, Spike, and Alpha Male to replace/compliment my current suppliments.