Hi people!
I am in the middle of my cutting cycle. Have done “10x3 for fat-loss” by CW and this is my last week of CT’s “Destroying Fat” routine. Well, so far so good, but i need new routine for the next week. I am thinking of EDT. Yes, i know, that there is a version for fat loss which incorporates a set of heavy core-movement in the beginning and then a few EDT-style sets. But… here is what i have come up with:
Upper Body - Chest/Biceps
A1. Heavy Dips (4-5 sets of 3-4 reps)
PR Zone One
B1 DB Press
B2 EZ Curls
PR Zone Two
C1 Incline BB Press
C2 Incline Hammer Curls
Lower-Body - Quad Dominant
I am still thinking if i should make it an EDT-style day or not… However, for maximum Fat loss - i should.
A1 - Heavy Front Squat (4-5 sets of 3-4 reps)
PR Zone One
B1 Step-Up (Left)
B2 Step-Up (Right)
PR Zone Two
C1 Lunges (Left)
C2 Lunges (Right)
Upper Body - Back/Triceps
A1 - Heavy Chins (4-5 sets of 3-4 reps)
PR Zone One
B1 T-Rows
B2 Lying Tricep Extensions
PR Zone Two
C1 Wide Grip Pull-Downs
C2 Tricep Push Downs
Lower-Body - Hams Dominant
A1 - Heavy Deadlift Variation (RDL, probably) - (4-5 sets of 3-4 reps)
PR Zone One
B1 Back Extensions
B2 Standing Calf Rises
PR Zone Two
C1 Leg Curls
C2 Hmm… Maybe Abs work?
So, here is the split. I don’t know if it is going to be more or less productive than what Charles originally offered in his article. What i tried to do here, is to make training more frequent and less grueling, which would allow me to perform more total work per week. I want to add some energy work, preferably HIIT sessions, but don’t know on which days they would be the best addition. On Upper Body? Well, it then will hinder my performance on consequent lower-body days. On Lower-Body? Wouldn’t it be too much? Anyway, what you guys think?