I am a true ectomorph:
It seems very hard for me to make gains and takes a super long time. I will lay out my workout plan and diet would like to find out if i should keep up what im doing to expect some gains or where to change things to help benefit my growth and progress.
As an ecto- i only lift 3 days a week and try to keep my activity on the low side to avoid burning extra calories.
Friday biceps and back
Warm up 3 sets dumbbell rows
Pull ups(overhand widegrip) 3 sets 8/6/4 reps
Bent over rows (underhand) 3 sets 8/6/4 reps @ 105lbs/110/115
Standing shrugs burnout set. 12 reps at 155lbs
Ez bar curls 3 sets 8/6/4 reps @ 95lbs/100/105
Decline alternating sit ups. 3sets 15/12/10 reps
Sunday chest tries shoulders
Warm up bench 3sets
Heavy bench press 3sets 8/6/3reps @ 135lbs/145/155
Clean press 3 sets 8/6/4 reps @ 105lbs/110/115
Lateral raises burnout set 12 reps 20lbs
Bar dips 3sets 8/6/4
Crunches 3sets 15/12/10
Weighted sit ups burnout set 12reps 50lbs
Tuesday legs
Warm up 3sets squats
Heavy squats 3 sets 8/6/4 reps @ 135lbs/145/155
Deadlifts 3sets 8/6/4 reps @ 225lbs/235/245
Calf raises 3sets 8/6/4 reps @ 135lbs/145/155
Burnout sets on all 3 exercises 12reps starting weight
My meal plan consists of 4200 calories a day 300g protein 400g carbs 115g mono fat
I will not go into great detail about the meals but i do understand the importance of proteins simple and complex carbs good fats and fibre. I never let my stomach become empty eat every 3 hours or less. Its all quality foods fruits veggies lean beef poultry milks nuts fish whole rice lots of beans whole breads pastas and protein poweder + creatine. I eat at 7am shake with bananas. 10am chicken rice beans v8 12:30 pm salmon potatoes v8 3pm ground beef rice and beans 6pm dinner (different everyday) 8pm post workout shake and 9:30pm tuna sandwich on wheat bread with peanuts and milk.
I sleep at 10 to 6 most nights so a full 8 hours. I have been on this plan for a month now. If i keep this up should i expect to see some big gains within the next few months? Any tips or spots i should change things. Please help as i do not want to waste anymore time and money on not training or eating properly!
Thanks alot