Eatliftsleep: Get Yo' Ass In Here!

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Thanks stu. Would you mind sharing what has worked for calves as far as exercises and frequency?

I usually had a 6 day cycle in my training, and I knew full well that I wouldn’t do 'em right if I tried to get a sufficient calf session in after destroying my quads and hams, so I split things up.

I would do my straight leg work for the gastroc after chest. This way, even if I was a little tired, there was no overlap, and I could concentrate on heavy weights, lower reps, and plenty of sets (I would go by the clock, say 15-20 mins resting as long as I needed between sets and just bombing away).

Seated calf work, with a higher rep range to really get the soleus, I could do after quads and hams, because it was more of a mental thing to just grit your teeth and suffer through the burn as you kept repping out.

So basically, a “divide and conquer” approach, but taking into account the more typical rep ranges that get results from different fiber type breakdowns of the distinct muscles.

Huge difference when I started doing this, no question.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Thanks stu. Would you mind sharing what has worked for calves as far as exercises and frequency?

I usually had a 6 day cycle in my training, and I knew full well that I wouldn’t do 'em right if I tried to get a sufficient calf session in after destroying my quads and hams, so I split things up.

I would do my straight leg work for the gastroc after chest. This way, even if I was a little tired, there was no overlap, and I could concentrate on heavy weights, lower reps, and plenty of sets (I would go by the clock, say 15-20 mins resting as long as I needed between sets and just bombing away).

Seated calf work, with a higher rep range to really get the soleus, I could do after quads and hams, because it was more of a mental thing to just grit your teeth and suffer through the burn as you kept repping out.

So basically, a “divide and conquer” approach, but taking into account the more typical rep ranges that get results from different fiber type breakdowns of the distinct muscles.

Huge difference when I started doing this, no question.


I am going to test your theory Stu. Which are usually pretty spot on.

Any differential in angles and foot placement? Or did you just always perform them with a neutral/natural stance?

[quote]Steez wrote:
I am going to test your theory Stu. Which are usually pretty spot on.

Any differential in angles and foot placement? Or did you just always perform them with a neutral/natural stance? [/quote]

Lol, thanks for the vote of confidence.

There isn’t really a difference with how you angle your feet. There IS however a difference depending on whether you tend to come up at full contraction on the ball of your foot, or on the outer edge.

IMO, so long as you’re developing fairly evenly, it’s one extra minor variable that most people don’t need to worry about.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:

[quote]Steez wrote:
I am going to test your theory Stu. Which are usually pretty spot on.

Any differential in angles and foot placement? Or did you just always perform them with a neutral/natural stance? [/quote]

Lol, thanks for the vote of confidence.

There isn’t really a difference with how you angle your feet. There IS however a difference depending on whether you tend to come up at full contraction on the ball of your foot, or on the outer edge.

IMO, so long as you’re developing fairly evenly, it’s one extra minor variable that most people don’t need to worry about.


Thanks, I never really took it into consideration when training my calves, but so many do. I’ve haven’t been able to train them in the past 2 months due to a broken big toe so I’m eager to start hitting them again. Thanks Stu.

Little update, currently sitting around 230lbs, probably put on some weight a little too fast lol, and had some moderate edema because of it, but its finally basically gone, oh well, live and learn. Definitely a lot stronger though. Thats for sure. Pulled 500 for 8 the other day which i was psyched about.

Still cruising as far as supplements go, but getting VERY ancy as of late. Also got bloods 2 weeks ago. Everything is good to go besides elevated liver enzymes but i trained legs 2 hours prior to the test so i believe that skewed it.

Heres a basic routine i wrote up. Trying to hit everything twice a week minimum.

Chest shoulders tris


Arms shoulders


Back bis rear delts


Abs and calves every other day minimum

Cardio 20min 3-4 days a week

There he his. Good to hear your bloodwork is looking good and strength is still going up. 500x8… Nice!

I really like that split. Currently cycling through a similar split myself. Although, I’m splitting up quads and hamstrings on push and pull days and pulling on saturdays. Keep us updated big guy.

[quote]Steez wrote:
There he his. Good to hear your bloodwork is looking good and strength is still going up. 500x8… Nice!

I really like that split. Currently cycling through a similar split myself. Although, I’m splitting up quads and hamstrings on push and pull days and pulling on saturdays. Keep us updated big guy.[/quote]

Thanks man. Honestly im just not sure on how much i should be doing for each bodypart. I tend to do too much i just never feel done but i know this can be counter productive.

Monday motivation! I will be way bigger and way leaner next year i promise you that

Does anyone have any insane arm routines out there? I REALLY want to bring up my arms. I was leaning more towards some high volume/frequency type stuff

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Does anyone have any insane arm routines out there? I REALLY want to bring up my arms. I was leaning more towards some high volume/frequency type stuff[/quote]

1000 Rep Arm Workout is a killer. Not something to do every week, but definitley a monthly shocker would help. My arms are stubborn too. What has been helping me has been incorporating the shock principle more frequently. Something like getting the tendons and joints warm then loading a 1RM weight on there and gritting that out. Drop down and do 2,3,4… all the way until you reach a 10RM weight.

Just something to play around with.

[quote]dt79 wrote:

Or That. Gonna have to bookmark that myself.

[quote]dt79 wrote:

Wow awesome thank you!

aw man I’m totally going to do that shit


I’ve never tried it lol.

It looks insane! Gotta try it sometime. My elbows and bicep insertions hurt just reading it.

Reviving this thread for a bit of help. I wasnt to hit everything twice a week.

Now this might sound stupid but is it better to hit all muscles in a 7 day period or is it better to hit each muscle twice in a 7 day period? Hopefully that makes sense.

Heres a basic routine that needs some tweaking probably. I want to have a heavy day and a pump day.
Chest shoulders tris- heavy

Legs calves- light

Arms shoulders- light


Back bis calves- light

Chest shoulders tris- light


Legs calves- heavy

Arms shoulders- heavy

Back bis calves



Let me know how this looks. Im the type that needs guidance and direction otherwise i tend to second guess if what im doing is optimal. Wish i still had a coach right about now.

Quick little update.

Sitting at 235ish right now. Just started working with a local coach about a month ago.
Offseason should be a good 6 more months then prep time!

Been trying to bring up the arms among other things. Im not particularly a fan of synthol but just curious if anyone has experience with it. Arms look ok in some shots and not so good in others.

Dude, I’m pretty sure it’s just the angle of the photo. Your arms look great in your profile pic.