[quote]LTKO wrote:
well i heard that taking in carbs at night would equate to fats, which no one wants so i try to stay away from food at night.
atg410: i cant really eat that kinda food right now because im in the army. dinner’s at 5.30? and there’s definitely no brown rice or “clean foods” like oats, steak etc. also, after my workouts, all the canteens, mess, cookhouse are closed. so there’s no real way for me to get meat and veggies for a post workout meal. ): so the most i can do, is drink my shake, eat some almonds or some wheat crackers with peanut butter (the last i am quite hesistant to do as like i stated, i thought that carbs/sweet stuff at night is not beneficial)
plateau: i used to have many goals, be leaner, bigger, play good basketball, get stronger. but it was just too much. so im just focusing on getting stronger and playing better basketball now. but still id try to make sure i dont put on any unnecessary fat and take in less sugars and fat. (i dont drink the cordials they provide during meals, just water 24/7 and maybe some coke light on weekends. no sweets/chocolates/snacks like oreos too)
stu: what do you mean by numbers? and yea, i do try to eat more during the day before my workouts.
so just making sure, was i righ tto say that sometimes when youre feeling hungry, it doesnt mean that your body actually needs the food? and its just a mind thing?
p.s, i know this post isnt really about bodybuilding, but nutrition is for everyone right? for the athlete,bodybuilder and the normal guy :D[/quote]
He means your daily macronutrient breakdown. How many calories and what proportion of fats/carbs/protein.
Basically, the primary rule of nutrition is that hitting your daily “numbers” is far more important than the timing of your meals. In the end, you’ll gain weight if you eat a caloric surplus, you’ll lose weight if you eat a deficit. Eating carbs at night is not ideal (though not as terrible as people make it out to be), but if skipping them means you don’t get in enough calories for the day then it would be better to eat them.
Figure out what you’re trying to do physique wise and read up on some of the nutrition articles on this site. They’ll help you figure out how many calories you need and a rough idea of how your macronutrient breakdown should look. Then you can tinker with it depending on how it works for you.