[quote]Mhatch wrote:
Growing_Boy wrote:
Rattler wrote:
aznt0rk wrote:
MeinHerzBrennt wrote:
SSC wrote:
New footage of FF…what is it now, 14? lol - that would be cool. God of War 3 is gonna be sick too.
PS3 needs more RPGs; I loved Oblivion. Fable 2 would be cool.
As the banner says FF XIII will be finally coming out next year…
Like GB said, it would be awesome if square-enix did a remake of FFVII for the ps3.
Fable 2 was released last year, or do you mean you want to see it on PS3?
I just hope FFXIII is better than FFXII. Twelve was the worst one in my opinion, and I’m tired of having a main character that looks like a Thai ladyboy. I guess I just have such high expectations for that series that I’m constantly left wanting more. I loved 7-10, I never touched 11. 12 just had… the worst battle system I had ever seen. The story was only mildly interesting, I never even finished it sadly.
LMAO, I didn’t know whether to get turned on or say “Huh?” when I saw Tidus in FFX. I think it all went to shit after FF9. The new battle system blows my balls. As for Kingdom Hearts, I played and completed both and the first one was the one that had all the magic. The second one was a “eh, whatever” at best. I want see Mickey kick some ass again!
To me it seems they are so damned interested in telling a story through movies, that they have slowly put less detail into the rest of the game. FF3 and FF7 are my favorites in the series.
I like the movies, I think they’re an amazing aspect of the game and something that FF is now known for. In terms of story, I loved FFVII but I never got into it a lot because FFVIII was the first one I ever played. Story wise however, FFVII and FFIX take the cake IMO. FFX was interesting, but I’ve never had an easier boss battle in my life, and Seymore just was… A shitty character all around. It seemed like he was an attempt at making another Sephiroth, but it failed miserably.