Dustin's No Bullsh*t Training Log

It’s been awhile since I’ve been on but now I’m back, weaker and gayer then ever. I plan on doing a meet (multi ply) in either march or april. Who knows? my laziness, I might just keep lifting and post it to youtube. With enough editing I can look strong and that’s all anyone really cares about. I’m back on a Westside style program and am dealing with a shoulder injury because i neglected upper back work for a while. Stupid me. Here’s what last week highlights were and I’ll start back officially with this week.

Monday - ME Lower
semi Sumo Pull—475 then added rev greensx5
im terrible at these

Pause Giant Camber Squats—up to 385x3x3

Tuesday - ME Upper
Incline — 315 then added rev lightsx5
shoulder was killing me, healthy and there was 15-20 more

Thursday - DE Lower
Speed Squat —8x2—275 + greens
parallel box w/foam, (staying raw)

Speed Pull —9x1—395 + doubled lights
from a jump stretch platform, did an extra set

Friday - DE Upper
Speed Bench—9x3—245 + doubled minis
3 different grips, ring finger on rings/pinky on rings/half thumb away from knurling
since I have long arms at 6’5, these all feel close

Only doing ME work this week cuz I’m taking the wife on a surprise trip waaaaayyyyyy out of town (Perry Hall/Towson, MD) from thursday night to monday night so my DE days will be forgone, maybe some shit over the weekend if I find time when im not chilling too hard and then next week will be bumped back by a day. Next week also will start the prep for IPA PA state championships on March 2. Hoping to total 2000 in multi ply, amatuer (drug free) division…that would be beast mode.

ME Lower
monday 1-14-13

Crazy Lower body warm up to loosen up my ultra fucked up hamstrings/low back
about 15 minutes

SSB Low Foam Box SQ—barx8/8, 155x5/5, 245x3/3, 335x1, 385x1, 405x1, 425x1 PR at this height
added reverse green bands and 425x5
was 1-2" below parallel on foam before weight, so extra sink with weight

Rack Pulls—135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 495x3x3, 405x10
close stance with bar at mid patella, not too dificult but good work

GHR—12, 10, 10 @ BW=285
got to change from vampire hands (across chest) to prisoner hands(behind head) to them make harder

Reverse Hyper—3x12—3 plates/side
strap model

Pulldown Abs—3x8—130lbs

4 Way Neck Machine—25 reps/direction x2 rounds = 50 reps/direction—45lb
working up to 4 non-stop sets to equal 100 reps before adding more weight

Food for the day
Breakfast: bowl of captain crunch cereal w/skim milk
Liter of water on drive to work
Lunch: turkey sandwich, apple, planters nuts, 1/2 liter of water
Liter of water at staff meeting after work
Snack: Chick Fil-A #1 & 8 count nugget w/Coke Zero
Rockstar x2 Low Carb
Protein Shake: 1.5 cup skim milk w/2 scoop Body Fortress whey protein
probably going to eat a peanut butter sandwhich w/glass of milk before bed

Tuesday Extra Workout

30 minutes of stretching and foam rolling. I have an extremely tight left glute/hip area that makes it hard to externally rotate, and extremely tight right hamstring, and a knot under my right scapula that has been causing me pain for about 2.5 months in my pressing. Just trying to workout it out

later that day

Tuesday ME Upper

Crazy Upper Body Warm Up
about 15 - 20 mins

Bench—barx30, 135x8/8, 225x5/5, added 3Bd 315x5, 365x3, 405x2, 435x1, 455x1, 475x1 PR with weight and grip 385x10
pinky on rings

Very CG Bench—135x5, 225x5, 315x3x3, added reverse minis 315x6
index on smooth,

Cable Row—150x8, 200x6, 250x4x8
straight bar used

BB Shrug
Super Set
Band Face Pull—135x20/lightx20, 225x20/lightx20, 315x20/lightx20, Drop Set 225x20, 135x20/lightx30

Standing Ab Wheel—3x6 @ BW = 283lbs
these suck, can get hands about 3" past head, I will continue to improve on ROM before adding more reps

JM Ladder Burnout—6x10 @ BW
start with smith machine BB at nipple height, JM 10 reps and then lower to next setting, no rest, last set is many reps as possible

Felt a pretty solid day today. Probably the only things i will do this week due to leaving MD for 4.5 days. Will start meet prep when I return.

Food Log
Breakfast: bowl of Reese’s Peanut Butter Poofs cereal w/skim milk
Lunch: 12" wheatSunrise Melt + chipotle sauce and spinach from subway w/coke zero
Snack: Planters nuts and apple
Rockstar x2 Low Carb
Protein Shake: 1.5 cup skim milk w/2 scoop whey Body Fortress
Dinner: 2/3 of a family size bag of garlic chicken w/iced tea

went to Key West on thursday through monday. It was awesome! came back late monday and decided 3.5 hour car ride from key west to Ft. lauderdale airport and then 5 hour flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Buffalo and back to Baltimore (no direct flight), I had to then get back to the gym earlier.

ME Lower (starting meet prep)
monday 1-21-13

Crazy Lower body warm up

Squat—barx8, 135x5, 225x3/2, 315x1, added knee sleeves and belt 315x1, 405x1, added single ply bottoms 495x1, 545x1, straps up 585x1, added rev avg bands 585x3
very loose metal viking squatter, gives maybe 40-50lbs. Next week upgrades to my Ace Squatter

GHR—3x10 @ BW = 283
prisoner style makes these much harder

Reverse Hyper—3x10—3plates/side

Leg Raises—3x10—15lb medicine ball held in between feet, straight legs

Donkey Calf Raises—50 reps w/90lbs

ME Upper
tuesday 1-22-13

Crazy Upper Body warm up

Bench—135x12/8, 225x5/3, added 3BD 315x3, 405x1, added double ply phenom 495x2, removed boards 495x1 touch, added 4BD 585x3
phenom is relatively loose and I can get it on in about 1-2 minutes by myself

French Press—4x20—80lbs
2 sets with weight behind head, 2 sets JM style. very quick rest periods

Cable Row—150x12, 4x10—200
Neutral grip

Face Pulls—4x20—150lbs

Static L Holds—3x10 seconds @ BW = 283
pull up halfway and raise legs straight to form L shape

Face Pulls—40 reps w/blue band

good confidence night in a shirt, but still need more work. my shoulder is still fubar’d. I’m not sure whats going on. I think its is this muscle knot in my scap area, overworked front delts, under worked rear delt work, and under worked biceps for the past 3.5 months. Its better but it def hurts to raw bench.

Liter of Water
Breakfast: Bowl of Reese Puffs cereal w/skim milk
Lunch: Subway 12" sunrise melt w/spinach & chipotle sauce on wheat w/ baked Lays and Diet Coke
Liter of Water
Snack: Nature Valley Protein Bar
Rockstar x2 energy drink
Monster Milk Mint
Dinner: 4 eggs w/cheese & pepper & old bay, buttered blueberry bagel, Orange juice


Foam Rolled a lot
Stretched a lot

That’s about it. Recovery day

You might be the only person on here using multiply. I might throw the Jack in the next week or two. I just have to prepare my eyeballs becuase the last time I had it on, one of them filled with blood for 2 months.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
You might be the only person on here using multiply. I might throw the Jack in the next week or two. I just have to prepare my eyeballs becuase the last time I had it on, one of them filled with blood for 2 months.[/quote]

that sucks for me then, I guess I won’t get advice from people better but have to give advice lol. which Jack do you have: shirt, suit, dl suit, briefs? I know the shirt takes some getting used but then is money. The guy in the group who has the shirt had to cut little triangles in the elbows to give his arms some room, cuz stretching them wasn’t working to well. Now it fits great and gives a lot of carry through. Let me know which and I’ll see if I can’t help

DE Lower
thursday 1-24-13

Crazy Lower Body Warm Up

Speed Sq—10x2—250 + avg bands
low box w/foam that brought me to parallel w/o weight

Speed DL—6x1—405 + doubled light bands
used a jump stretch platform, regular size

Lying Hamstring Curls
Super Set
Leg Extensions—4x12/12—150/150
never rested between sets, machines were next to each other

Landmine Twists—3x6/side w/45 on end
grab top of BB and twist/lower to one side knee, then twist all the way up and over to other side

4 way Neck Machine—2x25 reps each direction w/45lbs

Breakfast: bowl of captain crunch w/skim milk
Lunch: Apple, Liter of water, peanut butter sandwich on potato bread, planters nuts, yogurt
Snack: Blueberry bagel
Zero Carb Rockstar
Protein shake
Dinner: chicken & bacon bruchetta w/peach tea
2 slices homemade key lime pie

I need to eat more and more protein

Hope you can work out your shoulder and kill it at the meet! I love reading logs when people use advanced programs like this. Its like learning science in a foreign language.

[quote]Drake37 wrote:
Hope you can work out your shoulder and kill it at the meet! I love reading logs when people use advanced programs like this. Its like learning science in a foreign language.


me too. It just feels like the ligaments aren’t gliding over the shoulder girdle like they’re suppose to. Got a couple more ideas to try and fix it though. and thank you, it took awhile to figure out how to train like this, and I still fuck up it. lol, eventually I’ll get it. hope it helps

DE Upper
friday 1-25-13

Upper Body Warm Up

Speed Bench—9x3—225 + doubled minis
3 different grips inside the rings
Super Set
Pull Ups—x3 @ BW = 281

CG Band Bench—4x15—135 + doubled minis
Super Set
Pull Ups—x5 @ BW
these caught up with me with the last couple reps, good pump in the tris

BB Bent Rows—135x12, 4x10x225
underhand, kept these relatively light cuz of the pull ups

Lateral Raises—25x12, 4x8x40, Drop Set into Renner Raise 20x15
Renner Raise (after me) = lateral raise w/hands twisted so pinkys are above thumbs, this blows up your medial and posterior delts and traps like no other

BB Curls—4x8—135
then did 50 reps with empty bar and 50 reps reverse grip with bar

Ab Wheel—3x10 @ BW
from my knees (insert gay joke), feel these better than standing variation (add another gay joke)

good session today. rolled medial and anterior delt w/lacrosse ball and it helped ease some tension so I’ll keep doing that. overall body felt fried. now its time to refresh my lab on retrieving in the snow so he can get me some geese tomorrow when I go hunting.

Breakfast: bowl of Honeynut Chex w/skim milk
Lunch: Liter of water, apple, peanut butter sandwhich on potato bread, planters nuts
Zero Carb Rockstar
Protein Shake
Half a large Dominoes pizza (pepperoni/sausage) w/gingerale
Slice of homemade key lime pie
bag of honeynut chex mix
its only 8:10pm, i’ll probably make another shake or eat more shitty food later

ME Lower
monday 1-29-13

Crazy Lower Body Warm Up

Squat—barx8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, added belt 315x1, added knee sleeves 405x1, added ACE Squatter 495x1, 585x1, 675x4x1
worked up to what I would like to be an opener, maybe a little under. Kept working from about 2" high to parallel over the 4 singles

GHR—3x10 @ BW = 282
prisoner style

Reverse Hyper—3x10—3p/side

Roman Chair Sit Ups—3x6—45lb
held center of plate to forehead

Donkey Calf Raises—3x20x90, 1x12x180

great day today. Suit fit nicely and I felt strong out of the hole. Next week i’ll kick the numbers up some and try 700 or 725 for a double. Got to get used to feeling the weight and how it grips my back with the suit straps in the way.

Breakfast: bowl of captain crunch w/skim milk
blueberry bagel
Iced tea (couple of glasses)
Lunch: apple, planters nuts, turkey sandwhich, liter of water
Subway 6" Sunrise melt w/chipotle sauce

DE Upper
tuesday 1-29-13

Upper body Warm Up

Speed Bench—9x3—225 + doubled minis
3 different grips used
Super Set
Pull Ups-----9x3 @ BW = 283

CG Incline—135x5, 225x3x5, 135x8 JM style
my shoulder was not allowing me to handle this exercise properly, i fucking love this move too

Floor Row (Pendlay? Row)—135x5, 225x5, 315x3x5, 225x10

Seated Renner Raises—4x12----25s
Super Set
Seated Band Pull Aparts—4x15—monster mini

Hammer Curls—3x8/arm—50s
drop set to 25s and did twisting curls x15
rotate internally as much to start the movement, curl up while rotating externally to end with normal palms up. Tires the bicep even more because of the rotation

Static Hanging Ab work:
3x8 seconds in “L” position
2 sets of bicycle (2/leg w/2 second holds)
tried to do plank move while hanging = not a good idea

ok day today. this shoulder thing only bothered me on CG inclines, rolled enough w/lax ball on back and delt to loosen up for speed bench. gotta get rid of this so I can go back to some solid movements.

Breakfast: bowl of cinnamon chex w/skim milk
Liter of water
Lunch: apple, planters nuts, turkey sandwich, liter of water
Liter of water
Slice of homemade Key Lime Pie
Rockstar Zero Carb
Monster Milk Mint Chocolate
Dinner: Mission BBQ: pepsi, cornbread, mac n cheese, caramel bread pudding, pulled pork, brisket, and turkey

DE Lower
wedensday 1-31-13

Warm Up

Speed Squat—10x2—275 + avg bands
box & foam at parallel without weight, raw

Speed Pull—8x1—395 + double lights
using jumpstretch platform

Sumo GMs—135x6, 225x6, 315x3x6

Reverse Hyper—3x10—3p/side

Pulldown Abs—3x15—100lbs

4 way Neck Machine—2 rounds of 25/direction, 3rd set of 25 only pad on back of head
45lb plate

had an ok day today. squats felt heavier than they should’ve until about set 6, then found the groove. I think its because i was too much on my heels and not able to push out enough. switching up ME Upper and DE Upper for meet prep so I’m not killing my CNS two days in a row in shit. should allow for better recovery.

Breakfast: bowl of cinnamon chex w/skim milk
Lunch: planters nuts, peanut butter sandwhich, liter of water
Plain McQuad w/small coke (I stack two plain McDoubles so it looks like a 4 pattied burger)
Rockstar Zero Carb
Protein Shake
Dinner: Chicken creation (3 chicken breasts, cream of mushroom, chicken roasted rice, mixed veggies in crock pot)

ME Upper
Friday 2-1-13

warm up

Bench—barx30, 135x8/5, 225x5/3, 315x6x1, Hold Weight 405x5 seconds, 495x5 sec, 585x8sec, 605x12 sec

CG—135x6, 225x6, 315x8

CSR—1plx10, 2plx10, 3plx10, 4plx4x8

Face Pulls
Super Set
Band Pushdowns—4x15/20x150lbs/light band

4 way neck machine—45lbsx2 rounds of 25 + 3rd with neck back

Ab Wheel—3x4 @ BW = 279
standing, these are horrible and my r.o.m. is limited still, got to work on it

ME Lower
monday 2-4-13

warm up

Squat—barx8, 140x5/3/3, 250x2/2, 340x2/1, 450x1, added suit bottoms 540x2, 630x1, added knee wraps, straps up 700x2
700 was a little high, I just need more time in suit

GHR—3x10—@ BW = 281

Reverse Hyper—3x10—3pl/side

Donkey Calf Raise—1pl/sidex12, 2pl/sidex4x12

One Arm Deadlift Holds----3x10seconds/side—145lbs

ok day today. wish I had more time for suit work. I’m just starting to get comfortable but it needs more work. more later

here’s a link to the squats, don’t know whats going on with my computer or the site

if you can’t see it on here (i can’t) you can find me on youtube, user name is the same

DE Upper
tuesday 2-5-13

warm up

Speed Bench—9x3—225 + mini bands
3 different grips
Super Set
Pull Ups—9x3 @ BW = 281

CG 3Bd Band bench—225x10, 275x10, 315x5, 365x3, 275x10
mini bands used

BB Row—135x10, 225x3x10
overhand grip

Face Pulls
Super Set
Band Pull Aparts—4x20/20x100/monster mini

Ab Wheel—3x10 @ BW
from knees

DMB curls—lots of various forms

great day, and was surprised to bang out 365 + mini bands close grip for a triple on 3BD, thought maybe only a single or double

DE Lower
thursday 2/7/13

warm up

Speed Squat—8x2—305 greens
parallel box, no foam

Speed Pull—8x1—365 double lights
from a jump stretch platform

Strict GMs
Super Set
Hack Squat—3x10/10x135/1pl per side
non stop, no rest periods

Hanging Leg Raises—3x5 @ BW = 280
shins touch bar above me

4 Way Neck Machine—2 rounds of 25 reps w/45lbs, extra 3rd of 25 reps normal position

ok day today. had a hard time getting into and the squats just lacked pop. Not really sweating it though as I squatted my heaviest so far on monday and then the heaviest phase of the speed wave. Next week will not squat and will do a very light/different dynamic day to sort of deload…sort of.