It’s been awhile since I’ve been on but now I’m back, weaker and gayer then ever. I plan on doing a meet (multi ply) in either march or april. Who knows? my laziness, I might just keep lifting and post it to youtube. With enough editing I can look strong and that’s all anyone really cares about. I’m back on a Westside style program and am dealing with a shoulder injury because i neglected upper back work for a while. Stupid me. Here’s what last week highlights were and I’ll start back officially with this week.
Monday - ME Lower
semi Sumo Pull—475 then added rev greensx5
im terrible at these
Pause Giant Camber Squats—up to 385x3x3
Tuesday - ME Upper
Incline — 315 then added rev lightsx5
shoulder was killing me, healthy and there was 15-20 more
Thursday - DE Lower
Speed Squat —8x2—275 + greens
parallel box w/foam, (staying raw)
Speed Pull —9x1—395 + doubled lights
from a jump stretch platform, did an extra set
Friday - DE Upper
Speed Bench—9x3—245 + doubled minis
3 different grips, ring finger on rings/pinky on rings/half thumb away from knurling
since I have long arms at 6’5, these all feel close