For the next 2-3 weeks I will only be able to use dumbbells.
The main problem I have is for the lower body as all I can think of is Bulgarian split squats.
What sort of routine would you recommend?
For the next 2-3 weeks I will only be able to use dumbbells.
The main problem I have is for the lower body as all I can think of is Bulgarian split squats.
What sort of routine would you recommend?
Don’t forget lunges for lower body. Squats with heavy DB’s can work. Goblet Squats too. You could probably do a type of RDL with the DB’s as well. Lots of options if you look around.
As far as routines go, I would think there are a few things to consider before anyone can lay that out for you.
Days/week you plan to train.
Preferences for fullbody, upper/lower split, bodypart split, etc.
How heavy are the dumbbells you have access to relative to your present strength? If you have 120’s, that opens up more options than only having access to, say, 50’s in a hotel gym.
Other equipment. Do you have access to a bench? Incline? Decline? Dip station? Pullup bar? Or really just “dummbell only”?
What is your short term goal for your dumbbell-only routine for these weeks? Just looking to maintain? Use the time to try new exercises? Get the most work you can in a certain time limit? Pick things up and put them down?
You question is quite vague, so clarification is needed for someone to give you a good answer.
Dude, it’s three weeks. do dumbbell lunges and goblet squats, it’s gonna be fine.
I’m genuinely curious… Where in the hell are you working out where you have access to 200 lb dumbbells but no benches? Are you spending the next 3 weeks at the dumbbell factory or something?
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
Dude, it’s three weeks. do dumbbell lunges and goblet squats, it’s gonna be fine.[/quote]
Upon further consideration, I’ll second this. Pick em up and move 'em around some, you’ll be fine.
Goblet squats, split squat variations, lunge variations, glute bridges (w/ feet elevated, single leg, loaded with a dumbbell, etc.), RDL or single leg RDL, Plyometric movements.
[quote]Chris Adams wrote:
The main problem I have is for the lower body as all I can think of is Bulgarian split squats.
3 - Could easily get over 200lbs on each dumbbell
I’m more than a little surprised that that’s “all you can think of” to do.
Other than back squats, there is absolutely nothing you can’t do for legs. For upper body, you’ve got all sorts of rows, overhead press variations, floor presses, etc. Again, very few limitations.
Figure out an A/B routine (either upper/low or full body) with one or two good exercises per bodypart, and it should tide you over just fine.
Farmers walk. Mainly hits traps and grip for me but I’m sure there will be leg benefit with 200 lb dumbells
How could I forget single leg deadlift. Destroys my hammys everytime.